Monday, Off And Running!

We have an appointment with the audiologist and plan to work out around 2:00 pm, which will keep us busy all afternoon.

During our visit to the audiologist, we had a productive time.  My hearing aids were successfully paired with my new iPhone, allowing me to turn them on and off using the device.  The audiologist also taught Mary how to turn the hearing aids on and off manually.  We are now fully equipped and ready to go.

It was 11:30 am when we were done, and the American Legion was two miles away.  Did we need help making a decision?  Nope!

It was a three-mile drive to the Legion down Balboa Island’s main drag.  Mary pulled out her parking pass, the gate went up, and we were inside ready to eat.

The Legion is on the water with a fantastic view of the boats going in and out of the harbor.

The water was cold; there was no swimming today! Needless to say, no one was outside.

It was a beautiful day except for it being 61 degrees outside.

We sat at the bar, and out of my eye, I spotted the “drink of the day,” a Sugar Cookie Martini!  Oh my!  Could Paul resist?  NO!  The friendly bartender said hi, and I blurted out, “SUGAR COOKIE!”

All you need is milk, Baileys, vodka, amaretto, and ice for these martinis. Shake it all up, and serve! You can use whatever milk you like: skim, 1%, 2%, or even a non-dairy option like oat or almond. Just keep in mind that this cocktail is designed to be rich.

Ken went to work immediately, preparing the most delightful drink!
The whipped cream topping was super!

After I downed the Sugar Cookie, Mary and I had some wine and were deciding what to order, thinking it might be mostly Mexican like last time.  We were surprised to find that the menu had a wide selection of dishes.  Mary wanted to order everything, but I reminded her that we were headed to the gym and should be mindful of what we eat.  We ordered conservatively.

Happens every time!

This is only a cup of chili, plus we split a turkey sandwich and a blackened salmon salad.   We could not down it all, so half the blackened salmon came home with us.  Next time we will order one meal and split it!

It looks like they brought one of each!

Our tummies are full to overflowing.  It is time to make the trek to the dungeon and get strapped into torture machines for an hour of pure terror, complete with blood-curdling screams of agony!

Why did the fish stop lifting weights?  He pulled a mussel.

On our way to the gym!

We stopped by the house to visit Mr. Scout for twenty minutes before going to the torture chamber.

I told Mary that paid athletes bulk faster than prisoners using gym facilities.  The answer was obvious. The pros outweigh the cons.

The exercise activity feels good after the pain goes away!

After an hour of hard work in the gym, I finally admitted I wasn’t strong enough and quit.  I just handed in my too weak notice.

We went to the market, which is next door, and picked up things on our shopping list.  Thanks to Alexa, we keep the list with us at all times.  Back home, we went into the swim spa for a good hour soak.  It felt good, and after an hour, the old muscles were relaxed.

Colleen called, and we talked for half an hour.  I asked to have her send pictures of Dakota in the backyard after the snowstorm.

Who needs a snowplow when Dakota is around?

Colleen’s backyard is massive, and Dakota was having fun making pathways through the snow.

Colleen’s baby made tracks in the snow!

We watched a couple of super movies before crashing for the evening.  Tomorrow is a more relaxing day, plus we must pack for Hawaii!  A little later, Colleen posted the delivery she got from Dunkin’!  She called for home delivery of her latte drink!

Colleen called for delivery from Dunkin’ DOnuts; she had to get her fix!

We went to bed watching Cameron Diaz and fell asleep laughing!

I love that girl!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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