Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Day 4 – Sailing To San Franscisco

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7

Wake up, wake up, you sleepy head!

Someone was pounding on the door at 7:00 a.m., so I opened it, and Mary had ordered breakfast for the next three days!  Platter, plates, dishes, oh my!  We enlisted the armchairs to hold everything that we were not working on immediately.

Breakfast is served

She ordered steak and eggs, but they brought an 18 oz breakfast steak.  The steak was cooked perfectly, but the eggs were staring at her.

Hello there!

It got official when Mary put on her cap!

The Capt

During the morning, Mary attended a calligraphy class with Robin while Bob and I learned about Marconi and the magic of airwaves.  The presentation was exceptionally well done and very dramatic.

I learned more about Marconi.

We all gathered at the outdoor bar beside the main dining hall and enjoyed drinks while waiting for noon.

Pre-lunch drinkie-poo!

We laughed and giggled and then headed to the main dining room.

We are getting our appetites ready!

We verified our location and realized we were gradually approaching the Bay Area.

Hang on; we will see you in a few minutes!

A text from Becca arrived with their family photo, celebrating eight years of marriage.  They look great for an old married couple.

Zack and Becca sent their 8th Anniversary picture.

Our experience in the dining room was quite unpleasant.  We waited for an hour, but nobody came to ask if we wanted anything to drink.  Only one order was served, and even that was incomplete.  We received only half of three of the orders.  We were frustrated and disappointed with the service, so we got up and left.

Lunch was finally served.

We went upstairs to the grille and had a delicious pastrami sandwich.  The guys were working hard!!

These guys work hard

We returned to the cabin, where Mary continued reading.

We had a leisurely afternoon.

We went shopping, and Mary found some emeralds.

Did You Know?  Emeralds get their green color from trace amounts of chromium and vanadium.  Unlike the other precious stones, which can be found in various colors, emeralds are only evergreen, though their hues range from yellow-green to deep jade.  The palest stones are not emeralds but rather known as green beryl.

A shopping we will go!

The port pilot joined us for the last few miles and took us into Pier 27, the new passenger liner dock.

Did You Know? 
A maritime pilot, marine pilot, harbor pilot, port pilot, ship pilot, or simply pilot is a mariner with specific knowledge of an often dangerous or congested waterway, such as harbors or river mouths.  Maritime pilots know local details such as depth, currents, and hazards.  They board and temporarily join the crew to guide the ship’s passage safely, so they must also have expertise in handling ships of all types and sizes.  Obtaining the “maritime pilot” title requires being licensed or authorized by a recognized pilotage authority.

The harbor pilot was right on time.

Everyone visited our cabin to watch us pass under the Golden Gate Bridge.

We partied while going under the bridge!

We ordered cheese plates and champagne to celebrate!  Our veranda was the perfect spot, protected from the wind and relatively warm.

Celebration time!

If we got cold, we could watch everything from the big screen TV in our suite.

The TV showed us everything.

It’s almost 100 years old and still going strong.

Hello Golden Gate!

Our dock was adjacent to downtown and the Embarcadaro, so there were plenty of things to do!

Tied up for the night!

We had a wonderful dinner in the fish restaurant.

We went partying!

After a few hours of partying, we crashed!

Proceed To Day #5


About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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