I just burned 2,000 calories. That’s the last time I leave brownies in the oven while I nap!
First things first…I was up and going at 6:30 AM to get the Silver Ghost serviced. 65,000 miles and she needed new oil, tires rotates, and about a half-dozen other adjustments. I love the Norm Reeves Honda store in Cerritos..the service is great…super coffee..and bagels! Plus, they have WiFi and a nice desk area from which to work. They even checked the warp-drive unit.
I brought my Adobe Lightroom book and studied for two and a half-hours! We have owned all the Adobe products for the past several years, $45/month and we get everything they have plus all the updated. Finally reading a comprehensive book about the product, new tricks are going to be tried. When one opens the book and reads, all sorts of capabilities are revealed!
Dang! Just like going to school again…speaking of that, I am looking into the on-line PhD program at several schools. It’s been a few years but mental-masterbation is good for the grey matter and it might be fun. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is my current favorite and we are exchanging letters/information now.
We enjoyed lunch and again I raided the blackberry plants and put the take on my Cool Whip…love it. For lunch I again did the high protein low calorie breakfast…eggs, soyrizo, pork sausage, veggie patty with some A-1 sauce!
We decided to stay home and eat so it was off to Ralph’s for a grocery run! I am getting good at this! The checkout ladies know me well and always ask about Sue and what is coming out of the garden at our home! I brought a bag of blueberries to “Big Sue” today…she said last week that she loved blueberries but they were expensive.
OK, I confess…I am a member of Ralph’s Club and I get emails on the weekly specials and I actually look at them!
Yesterday I wanted to cook the asparagus and I did not know how old it was so I got online, went to Ralph’s and determined it was 10 days old so needless to say…they got tossed! Today, the asparagus went form the bag to the sink to the roasting pan…a little bit of olive oil, some kosher salt and we are off!
Did You Know? Some individuals have odorous urine after eating asparagus, and it was long thought to be a genetic trait since some people seemed to be immune to this effect. The odor is caused by a asparagusic acid which the body converts into methanethiol (closely related to skunk spray!). It now appears that there are exceptions on both sides of the phenomenon. Due to genetic differences, most but not all people produce methanethiol after eating asparagus, and most but not all people can detect the odor.
After lunch I hit the garage and a storage area on the side of the house…dumped about six boxes of stuff including 100;s of old pictures…I calls them “fuzzy suckers” because we accepted poor photography before the digital camera…now I get ten shots of any important picture and at least one comes out.
My shop is not to the point that when I go to the hardware store, there are no tools that I need anymore…but I confess, I do window shop!
The welders are next on my list.
In the afternoon we decided to stay home and we watched some TV plus I played with Hulu as I am turning off cable TV. $125/month and we watch maybe 1n hour a month! Total waste. For $54/month we get Live-Hulu meaning we get broadcast live plus everything without commercials, duh!
Here comes evening and we stayed up until midnight before crashing.