Our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy!
Up at dawn to start the day. Dawn is 8:00 AM, right? We sat and talked, like we usually do and then I hit the office again…going through every little pile of “must keeps” and tossing out most of them. Why do I need an instruction manual on a Blackberry, a 5″ floppy disk of 300×300 pixel images, and a CD player…out! Gone! Buh Bye!
Sue had a hair appointment at ten so I fired by the Silver Ghost and we zoomed up the street! We decided to have breakfast and/or lunch at Hot’s Hut and that was fortutitus as we ran into Herb. He is another guys who dances with many ladies all the time and is happily married to someone who does not dance. We met his wife and kids. He was bemoaning his twp favorite partners were out of town so, being quick of mind, I suggested Irene. I made the call, she was staying home tonight. I then called Nancy and voila, she said “Why Not??” Nany is a young 84 and a good friend of ours so we picked he up and took her to the GG Elks.
Sue took a nap and I continued working in the office. It’s starting to look like a real office, even I am impressed! DVD and CD blanks are OUT! I threw away 500 blanks as we now use the plug-in memory cards. More space…love it!
At 5:30 PM the Silver Ghost was fired up and heading to Long Beach to pick up Nancy and then we did a 180 and came back by our house to go to Garden Grove. L-50 was playing tonight and they were great. Volume was fine and they played everything…we danced until 9:30 PM before heading home!
On the way home, we asked Nancy if she enjoyed the food and with that devilish smile she said “The salad was great but when I saw the rack of lamb, there was just no way I could eat it and remain lady-like so I took them home“. She is just plain cute!
I was a good boy and had one G&T followed by four beers! I was full but happy! Oh, four O’Doul’s that is!
Did You Know? Low-alcoholic brews such as small beer date back at least to Medieval Europe, where they served as a less risky alternative to water (which often was polluted by feces and parasites) and were less expensive than the full strength brews used at festivals.
More recently, the temperance movements and the need to avoid alcohol while driving, operating machinery, etc. led to the development of non-intoxicating beers.
In the United States, non-alcoholic brews were promoted during Prohibition, according to John Naleszkiewicz. In 1917, President Wilson proposed limiting the alcohol content of malt beverages to 2.75% to try to appease avid prohibitionists. In 1919, Congress approved the Volstead Act, which limited the alcohol content of all beverages to 0.5%.
These very low alcohol beverages became known as tonics, and many breweries began brewing them in order to stay in business during Prohibition. Since removing the alcohol from the beer requires just one simple extra step, many breweries saw it as an easy change. In 1933, when Prohibition was repealed, breweries easily removed this extra step.
By the 1980s and 1990s, growing concerns about alcoholism led to the growing popularity of “light” beers. In the 2010s, breweries have focused on marketing low-alcohol beers to counter the popularity of homebrew. Declining consumption has also led to the introduction of mass-market non-alcoholic beverages, dubbed as “near beer”.
Nancy had a good time but Nancy always has a good time…86 and going strong. She is such an amazing person! Plus, she is joining us tomorrow at Old Ranch!
We watched TV for a while and crashed after the great tookie massacre of June 2019… I got to the end of the dough so I had to patch some pieces together…looked odd…tasted great!