Friday And A New Puzzle

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

As a farmer, I hear lots of jokes about sheep. I’d tell them to my dog but he’d herd them all.

Indeed it is!!!

We have woodpeckers in the hood and this morning, while doing my morning activities, sitting…I heard a woodpecker but it sounded pretty loud. Worried I got as I really like my fruit trees. So, I wondered outside ready to use the high pressure hose to scare the varmint away. To my amazement, it was not a woodpecker…it was…

Our neighbors across the street are getting a new roof! The yellow chested woodpeckers were pounding away sounding exactly like the real thing…. I did not use the hose on them!

The iPhone vibrated…before instinctually dropping it into my front pants pocket I happened to look and it was Jonathan. He called to give us an update…he is still in the hospital but has developed a high temperature so they are keeping him for observation. We got some great news…he and Sarah are thinking about a family starting in 2021…we are going to be great grandparents again!

He is wearing 4″ high heels today!

We are going to host Jonathan and Jackie over Halloween and are excited to see them! We are already making plans.

Being gluttons for punishment, we opened another puzzle and are on the attack. We gave a 300 piece puzzle to Nancy Adamson a couple of weeks ago and last night she thanked us for getting her and Vince started on puzzles…they are having a ball! Made us happy!

Our new puzzle is entitled “Farming Chores” …we hope it is a little easier than the last one!

Another challenge ahead of us!

Before lunch I warmed up my motor and was ready for a walk but alas, I learned something new…never tighten your belt across your hip joints. OK, I was in a hurry to walk so I pulled on my jeans but not quite high enough. When I fastened by belt it felt a little odd but I cinched the belt tight

Well, after six blocks I was hurting so bad I had to turn around. OK, you ask why didn’t I adjust my belt? Easy, I was in front of an elementary school and the last thing I was going to do was unfasten by belt, fumble with my pants, and refasten by belt…not in today’s world.

After arriving back home and letting the belt loose, the pain subsided immediately. Lesson learned! Pants go well above the hips or I use suspenders!

When I got home. the extra two sets of LED lamps had arrived so I used the time to put in another light in the closet. Perfect, I can see clearly now…great title for a song!

Pulls a whole 7 watts but is very bright! Perfect for the closet shelves!

We devoured more of our left overs…one more day of left overs and they hit the trash! Not too bad…we pay $20 for lunch (sans drinks) and we get three meals out of a single order at our local restaurants.

Old Picture Time!  Below left-to-right is Diane Perkins (my age), Olivia Gillick (three years younger) and yours truly. This must be about 1953 and I think we were all going to church!  Diane now lives in West Los Angeles and we have not communicated in probably 55 years…just lost track of each other  Olivia also lives in West Los Angeles and we talk a couple of times a year.  She has a son named after me…David. Innocent times.

Diana, Olivia, and me at 6036 Comey Avenue in Los Angeles

We got a text from Peanut, Becca’s Mom and Becca just got out of surgery. She was head butted by a child while teaching special needs at her school. It looks painful. The child is apparently unruly and the head butt broke Becca’s nose.

Ouch… This too will pass

Time for a quick nap before heading out to dinner and dancing at GG Elks!. We arrived on-site at 6:45 PM and dined and danced until 9:30 PM when we headed home! They had rack of lamb and it was good! No, it was excellent.

I added a dash of A-1 sauce to it and it was perfect!!! Even the green jello was outstanding!

We were at out favorite table meaning we had a choice…walk to the dance floor and simply get up and dance on the rug directly behind us! We chose to dance in the back tonight! Got more dancing in!

On the patio there was a Samoan birthday party and a tradition is for the birthday boy to dance in a “speedo” and rub oil on his chest then the invitees go over and throw money at hime! IMMEDIATELY the girls decided this might be fun!

We watched from a distance and recorded their comments!

9:30 PM and time to head for home to get a bit of shut-eye. We watched our favorite series and then promptly crashed at i1:45 PM. We did our tookie thing at 10:30 PM.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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