I told my grandson that I saw a moose on the way to work this morning. He said, “How do you know he was on his way to work?”
The day has begunith (a new word) and we are ready to face the music…in about twelve hours!
Sunday is our Old Ranch Dinner Dance so the RSVP’s are coming in now and for the next two days. Steve Dudek will be there playing the magic sax and keyboarding the night away…we dance like we hope no one is looking!
Performing my morning recon of the frig, I discovered we were dangerously low on the essentials of life…chocolate ice cream, Snapple, and tookie dough. Hearing my scream of anguish, the Silver Ghost fired himself up and was awaiting my immediate departure for Ralph’s Market.
Shopping was easy and now some of the people who I know stop my and ask where items are in the store…I know the store pretty well
Returning home, I put in another light into the closet and it worked! No sparks, nor fire, no smoke. Why did I have to bring in the hose and two fire extinguishers?
We had lunch and then I headed for the garden…time to trim around the tomatoes. On the way to the garden, I met with Mr. Lizzard lounging on the wall with his head facing away from me…that’s why I got so close!
First things first… I picked the shallots and we had a mess of them. They are ready for storage so they are now inside and ready to go into soup our my famous kidney beans!
Now to the tomatoes…I spent about 20 minutes shaking the blossoms. On tomatoes, the blossoms are both boy and girl and to assure they turn into tomatoes, I vigorously shake and/or thump the blossoms with my fingers so the boys and girls will “get together”.
Did You Know? That tomatoes pollinate themselves poorly without outside aid is clearly shown in greenhouse situations, where pollination must be aided by artificial wind, vibration of the plants (one brand of vibrator is a wand called an “electric bee” that is used manually), or more often today, by cultured bumblebees.
The anther of a tomato flower is shaped like a hollow tube, with the pollen produced within the structure, rather than on the surface, as in most species. The pollen moves through pores in the anther, but very little pollen is shed without some kind of externally-induced motion.
The ideal vibratory frequencies to release pollen grains are provided by an insect, such as a bumblebee, or the original wild halictid pollinator, capable of engaging in a behavior known as buzz pollination, which honey bees cannot perform. In an outdoors setting, wind or animals usually provide sufficient motion to produce commercially viable crops.
While working in the garden I heard strange noises…had to be our dear neighbors and indeed it was. The whole family was in the back yard so I popped up, pointed my finger at them and said “Stay away from market tomatoes…if you want tomatos…visit Farmer Paul’s Plot…we give discounts!
Actually I wanted an update on Kathy Roberts’s brain surgery… The surgery was complete in the early afternoon and she came through great! The Robert’s have been friends for years and years and she has a form of brain cancer that is difficult at best! Our prayers are with her and Ed.
After working in the garden I had to check for light leaks in the ol’ eyeballs…after an hour I was sure we had zero light entering! A quick check of the ol timepiece and I knew it was time to warm up the Silver Ghost…soon we would be flying a freeway speeds toward our dancing destination…The Phoenix Club!
We watched the Disneyland fireworks on the way home, a treat to end the evening. As I entered the house, I accidently hit the wrong key on the iPhone and voila, a French Whorehouse!
I quickly returned the house to normal and we settled in for Grey’s Anatomy and Gilmore girls. I made a small sweet cake, typically round, flat, and crisp…disguised as a tookie. We crashed at 11:45 PM.
One last thought for the evening…love watching the liberals! They are so smart!
Say good night Gracie!