Sunday Be Here; Yeah Sunday!

You may think that in life, a lot of things happen to you along the way. 
The truth is, in life, you happen to a lot of things along the way.

First things first… Happy Birthday to our beautiful Daughter-In-Law! Amy brings a sparkle to the family and is a wonderful person! Love you Amy!

Our son is a lucky guy!!!

OK…I pigged out yesterday so that means walking today! Up and at ’em… I headed to Von’s for “tookie” dough, I cannot run out of that!

It was a 90 minute walk but that’s OK…just needed to get out and move and at my age, every bit counts! It was a cool morning and water was on the plants from last nights rain!

He just stood there daring me to take a picture… I did!

Most of the afternoon I worked on taxes and doing some organizing of my office…seeing what 2018 paperwork needs to be filed away and what needs to be thrown out. I keep things like the medicare fees going up…almost $200/month! Still scratching my head on that one!

I got the January anniversary, get well, and birthday cards ready to go! Then, time for a nap! We got gussied up and headed for Old Ranch at 4:30 PM as we are having a party tonight!

Checkout the sunset just lighting the tops of the trees!

We had 28 friends there last night for the event and Steve Dudek was playing beautifully… New friends, Macin and Andrea joined us form the Phoenix Club.

Brian and Jan were ready to dance and Brian had to tell the story of the bee! He apparently put his hand on the railing outside their patio and there was a bee under his hand… It took a bite and Brian was NOT happy!

Heading back to the UK this next week! We will miss them!

Our dear neighbors were with us this evening… always fun!

Steve was playing to the audience this evening as the music was perfect AND we had a new couple from Old Ranch/Los Alamitos who danced…we sent Bob over to make a pitch for Starlighters and I did the pitch for Toppers!

Random Thoughts:  I can remember the good ol’ rock and roll as I was in Junior High School in 1956 and we had “sock hops”.  The “cool” guys and gals would go to the gym and dance…us nerds, yes me, would stay outside and go to the electric shop or metal shop!  I was asked to go once and I went upstairs in the gym but had NO idea what I was doing…that was the end of my dancing career until I got to college and then it was game on!

I would go home and watch American Bandstand and wish I could dance like those folks…the reason I could not dance was that I was self-conscious…a trait that I gave up on about 40+ years ago!  I happen to know, for a fact, that no one looks at the band dancers…they only look at the good ones…so, no one is looking at me!

Listen to 1956

The dance floor was busy all night long! Look at Bernie go!

Now we love to dance, as do all our friends so once a month we shake a leg at Old Ranch! Enjoy as Steve Dudek rocks on! Take a gander at the movie…that’s Bernie right up front…he keeps all the girls busy! 97 and going strong! Amazing!!

New guests and friends Macin and Andrea joined right in!

The ten-step polka appears to be an old Polish dance also!
(Mike, Bridgette, Macin, and Andrea)

Ed and Kathy joined us this evening and she is doing well! Great people putting up a great fight and we are on their side of the battle!

Donna, Kathy, Jan, and Ed

Sue is back to herself checking on everyone. Last year was rough but this year is starting out very well…we danced several times and the arm/shoulder did not give me any problems!

Will explains his salad… Del is devouring his soup (he is quite amazing)

We headed home around 9:15 PM after a great evening of fun and friendship! We are indeed blessed with great friends.

We watched TV, did our “tookies” and crashed! I did get to thinking about our electric bill and I think I have solved it!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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