Country Sayings About Rain Are The Best:
- It’s raining so hard the animals are starting to pair up.
- Devil’s beating his wife with a frying pan
- It’s gonna be a gully washer.
- It’s raining harder than a cow pissing on a flat rock.
Yes! We stayed inside today! Paul was going to hit the garden but alas, the rain beat him to it! We cooked up a great breakfast, a Mc Donalds Breakfast Bac look-alike but mucho better. We watched Grey’s Anatomy most of the day taking 45 minute breaks to walk around, do chores, and read books!
We decided NOT to go out tonight and stayed home wrapped up in soft blankets with a cup of tea and chocolate chip cookies. Our current favorite is Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip cookies. 350 degrees for 15 minutes and you are ready to go! A toll house is a building or facility where a toll is collected on a toll road.
Our bathroom exhaust fan finally quit… well, sometimes would start up and sometimes delay startup for several minutes! Great, Paul will have to go up into the attic for several hours and replace the derned thing! Then, a bright idea occurred! Get on You Tube on the internet and ask how to replace a Braun Bathroom Exhaust fan motor… The You Tube video was fantastic showing everything. All Paul needed was a screwdriver!
Easy as pie! One screw and the motor-fan assembly “fell out” without ever seeing the attic! To the internet, Amazon, and voila the replacement motor-fan was ordered for delivery TOMORROW! It was a bit pricey but $260 is a lot cheaper than going to the store, trying to find a replacement, spending two hours crawling around the attic and six trips to the garage for tool needed… Plus a few curse words along the way!
We listened to the rain, watched a Hallmark movie and relaxed the rest of the day! Of course we watched Grey’s Anatomy!
Life is good!