Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Finally it is cool enough to play golf and we did! It even got better as we had a visit bu James and Linda so we did happy hour with them for a while.
After Happy Hour, we went to Patty’s Place where Paul did the lamb chops and had one drink before going home.
Did You Know? A meat chop is a cut of meat cut perpendicularly to the spine, and usually containing a rib or riblet part of a vertebra and served as an individual portion. The most common kinds of meat chops are pork and lamb. A thin boneless chop, or one with only the rib bone, may be called a cutlet, though the difference is not always clear. The term “chop” is not usually used for beef, but a T-bone steak is essentially a loin chop, and a rib steak a rib chop.
We got a text and Joe and family were at Disneyland eventhough it was hot out. Love the family that plays together!
We watched some Frasier and then crashed for the night! Disneyland tomorrow!