Monthly Archives: September 2024

Aw So!

This morning, it was office work first! We had to validate our trip to New Hampshire, get the final names for those going to the Elks Costume Party on the 26th, and complete several other ” to-do ” items. When … Continue reading

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Busy Busy Busy!

We have a jam-packed day, starting with visiting the Huntington Beach hair parlor. Get ready to witness the magical transformation from beach bum to beach hunk!  Mary had her two-hour makeover, and I had 9 1/2 minutes, including shaking the … Continue reading

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Hump Day Has Arrivith!

Oh no!  AT 8:15 am, we have to depart our humble abode and go to the dungeon and get severely punished; yes, folks, I mean “the gym.”  We arrived at the gum at 8:35 am, five minutes past our regular … Continue reading

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Nothing On The Calendar Day!

Today, we were busy, but we were not doing anything.  It was an odd feeling. Early morning, we did our zombie shuffle through the garden, which could have been more uneventful. We stumbled around like a couple of sleep-deprived ghouls, … Continue reading

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Monday Means Back To Work!

Yesterday, we stumbled upon five unopened containers of Halloween decorations, so after a brief trip to the dungeon (aka the local gym/workout facility), we started transforming our home into a haunted house. The only scary part was realizing we still … Continue reading

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Dining With Friends!

We were up early, looked at each other, and were amazed that our calendar was not full of things to do!  We quickly walked through the garden and ate grapes directly off the vines.  These grapes are seedless and are … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Friends | 1 Comment

Party Day After We Decorated!

We finally opened the decorations containers and began the process of welcoming Halloween.  While I was busy putting up the bunting outside, Mary was in the garden perfecting her green thumb. It’s like our house is participating in a beauty … Continue reading

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Hello Friday!

We promenaded through the backyard, which always results in us seeing something new! Indeed, we saw the latest crop of apples getting ready to fatten up so they can become pies! In the back forty, the lime tree is giving … Continue reading

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Sliding Into The Weekend!

Thursday morning, and all is well! Today, we will do nothing until noon, when we take the weekly trip to the Elks Lodge for Girls Night Out! We went for a speed walk through the garden but then took a … Continue reading

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Hump Day; Down Hill From Here!

We were lazy this morning, and we thought a lot about this poor world of ours since the sicko, brain-damaged, inbred, mentally sick radical Muslims began their bloodthirsty rampage. Today, I discovered that gardening is just a fancy way of … Continue reading

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