Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Aw So!

This morning, it was office work first! We had to validate our trip to New Hampshire, get the final names for those going to the Elks Costume Party on the 26th, and complete several other ” to-do ” items.

When we first moved into our office, it looked like a furniture store had thrown it up! Desks, chairs, and random stuff were everywhere. We had a cacophony of desks, some dating back to the Civil War.

We decided it was time to do it right, so we ordered two new desks and bookshelves —one of our better decisions! All the old stuff was donated to the Salvation Army!

My desk is on the left, and Mary’s is on the right. We placed two small file cabinets between the desks, and our two printers are on top of the file cabinets. We are set up to stay organized (not an easy task) and have a bed for Scout the Wonder Dog, our proofreader.

The desks face the backyard and are beneath the ten-foot-wide window, so we get lots of light!

We departed for Pasadena and the annual Mid-Autumn Moon Celebration!   We had to leave early because of the anticipated traffic (2:00 p.m.). Using three local freeways, it took us an hour and a half.

You can see all the picture on our website.

We decided to have dinner before the visit and found a Chinese restaurant in Old Towne Pasadena. Family-owned and operated for over 15 years, Grandview Palace has prided itself on serving our guests exceptional Chinese cuisine. The meal was standard American Chinese, but it was delicious. It was not exactly health food, but we will soon walk it off!

We had dinner at an interesting Chinese Restaurant!

We made it, and we were in line by 6:00 p.m.  We offered people to take their pictures, and most did an “OK” job. The lady who took the picture below knew her iPhone!  Nothing was cut off and nothing growing out of our heads!

BTW, many people commented on our matching shirts!

We walked for almost two hours.

As we started to walk over a small bridge, a man with a large bottle pusing a two-wheeled cart came by. We let him pass, and his job was to blow up the moon! Helium eventually leaks through almost anything, and the moon was slowly dropping into the lake.  We watched while he carefully sent a new supply of helium into the moon via a small diameter hose.

The helium moon was out and about.

We rambled around the lake and stopped under the waterfall!  Time for a quick picture.

Walking underwater

From our “vantage” point across the lake, we had a hilarious view of the famous Moon Bridge. It looked like something straight out of a cheesy romance movie, complete with a dramatic soundtrack playing in the background.

People enjoyed walking on the Moon Bridge.

Traditionally, floating paper lanterns symbolize the guiding of souls, those who have left the physical world and now exist spiritually. The orange dots by the Moon Bridge are all small floating lanterns with individual messages inside.

The Sun went down, and the lights came on.

There were four musical groups in the area, so their music was like a buffet of different flavors—it was like going from salsa to heavy metal to classical to reggae all at the same time! It was certainly an interesting musical journey, but let’s just say it’s a good thing they didn’t play for too long—my brain needed a break to process all that musical diversity!

We stumbled upon this tiny spot with a bench, plopped down, and soaked in the sweet melodies.

We sat and listened to the musicians.

By the end of the evening, the lanterns were all over the lake and they freely floated about the various bridges. We marveled at breathtaking lanterns reflected in the lake as we strolled through illuminated pavilions, courtyards, and pathways. Delicious-looking entrees and treats (all available for purchase) were available at Jade Court Cafe, Freshwater Pavilion, and the Terrace of Shared Delights. We, however, were stuffed from our early dinner so we avoided the lines.

Paper Wish Bags floated all over the lake.

By 9:00 pm, we were tired and ready to call it a night. This was definitely an “out of the box” experience for us/  On our way out, MAry wanted to hang with Mr. Lion. I swear, Mary can befriend anyone, even a stone lion!


We headed home, and miraculously, there was no traffic. Fifty-two minutes flat. I felt like I was in a movie where the hero gets home just in time.  My superpower was finding the one moment in the day when there was no traffic!


About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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