Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Busy Busy Busy!

We have a jam-packed day, starting with visiting the Huntington Beach hair parlor. Get ready to witness the magical transformation from beach bum to beach hunk!  Mary had her two-hour makeover, and I had 9 1/2 minutes, including shaking the apron. They had to catch the three hairs which were trimmed.

After getting our hair done, we flew VFR (Very Funny Ride) to the Elks and found Will, Iris, George, and our beloved waitress. We must have looked quite the sight, with our freshly coiffed hair and ready for some good times! Mary and I shared a Dover Sole, plus I splurged and had a hockey puck (hamburger patty plain)!

I also had a special they called “Mary’s Special”!

It was a mouthful!!  (Just kidding!)

At 1:15 pm, we departed the Elks and went to Dianne’s to be there when the locksmith was scheduled to show up.  The smithy replaced almost a dozen locks with new ones and a single key.

We stayed around for a while and then did another errand involving returning a noise-canceling headset to Best Buy from Bob Z.

David and Dianne were members of Amica (The Automatic Musical Instruments Collectors’ Association).  The Automatic Musical Instruments Collectors’ Association was formed in 1963 by a group of collectors in the San Francisco area. They were committed to preserving, restoring, and enjoying vintage mechanical musical instruments that play by themselves, focusing on those made from 1885–1935.  They have quite a selection of highly excellent devices, including an ancient Wurlitzer Organ.

One of the speakers at the funeral wanted to play the tune in the background, so I captured a three-minute video of David and Dianne’s 1920s Wurlitzer Organ machine in their home. We copied about three minutes of the “fantastic” audio!

They have several other units, and the one below has an animated person “playing the upright piano.”

If you like this music, several sites on the web have mp3 files. As an example, take a listen to the 1940s radio network!

The last leg of today’s journey was just a few miles to go home and visit Jeff.

On the way, we were stopped at a railroad crossing as the arms were down, and the express barreled down the tracks at 60+ miles per hour. I’ve never seen a train in such a rush to get somewhere! Maybe it had a hot date waiting at the next station.

Back home, we visited Jeff and saved the world at least three times.  When he and I were kids, we talked a lot about “vacant lots”!

At 8:00 pm, we crashed, watched TV for a few minutes, and sawed logs all night.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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