Off To Seal Beach For Lunch!

As the sun started to rise in the East, we got up from our beds and turned on the heat to melt the icicles that had formed in the house overnight.  We let Scout, our trusty sidekick, go out for his morning routine.  Our first stop is always the office, where we have coffee, pay our bills, and plan our day.

At 10:00 am, we jumped in the Silver Fox, headed to Yucatan Grille for lunch, and met up with Vicky and Robin.  We hooted and hollered for a good hour before departing back home.

The Yucatan Grill is a wonderful place to dine on Mexican and South American dishes.  I Have been going there since 1987!

I was having fun.

Robin came from work and had to leave after about 45 minutes, but we did get to visit.

In two more years, my oldest daughter will retire!  Oh My!

Vicky joined us!  That is guaranteed a good time for all!

A story is being told!

Oh dear!  My tortilla is a tradition, and my designs improve yearly!

I am “The Hole-ly One”

We worked in the garden for about two hours after getting home.  We had help from Scout (he thought he was helping).

Mary trimmed the roses, and I cut the berries.  We still have about ten feet of berries to trim, so we saved that for a different day,

Mary cleaned up after I pruned the berries.

Scout wanted to play!  Moosie and Mary played keep away from Scout.  BTW, Moosie came with Scout when Mary got him about ten years ago.  Scout is cautious with Moosie.

“I want my Moosie!!”

It’s time to go inside and get ready for the hot tub!

We are off and running.

We jumped into the hot tub and sat and soaked for an hour before returning inside.  We were both tired and hit the sack before 7:00 pm.  That explains why we got up at 1:00 am and thought it was morning.

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Monday, Off And Running!

We have an appointment with the audiologist and plan to work out around 2:00 pm, which will keep us busy all afternoon.

During our visit to the audiologist, we had a productive time.  My hearing aids were successfully paired with my new iPhone, allowing me to turn them on and off using the device.  The audiologist also taught Mary how to turn the hearing aids on and off manually.  We are now fully equipped and ready to go.

It was 11:30 am when we were done, and the American Legion was two miles away.  Did we need help making a decision?  Nope!

It was a three-mile drive to the Legion down Balboa Island’s main drag.  Mary pulled out her parking pass, the gate went up, and we were inside ready to eat.

The Legion is on the water with a fantastic view of the boats going in and out of the harbor.

The water was cold; there was no swimming today! Needless to say, no one was outside.

It was a beautiful day except for it being 61 degrees outside.

We sat at the bar, and out of my eye, I spotted the “drink of the day,” a Sugar Cookie Martini!  Oh my!  Could Paul resist?  NO!  The friendly bartender said hi, and I blurted out, “SUGAR COOKIE!”

All you need is milk, Baileys, vodka, amaretto, and ice for these martinis. Shake it all up, and serve! You can use whatever milk you like: skim, 1%, 2%, or even a non-dairy option like oat or almond. Just keep in mind that this cocktail is designed to be rich.

Ken went to work immediately, preparing the most delightful drink!
The whipped cream topping was super!

After I downed the Sugar Cookie, Mary and I had some wine and were deciding what to order, thinking it might be mostly Mexican like last time.  We were surprised to find that the menu had a wide selection of dishes.  Mary wanted to order everything, but I reminded her that we were headed to the gym and should be mindful of what we eat.  We ordered conservatively.

Happens every time!

This is only a cup of chili, plus we split a turkey sandwich and a blackened salmon salad.   We could not down it all, so half the blackened salmon came home with us.  Next time we will order one meal and split it!

It looks like they brought one of each!

Our tummies are full to overflowing.  It is time to make the trek to the dungeon and get strapped into torture machines for an hour of pure terror, complete with blood-curdling screams of agony!

Why did the fish stop lifting weights?  He pulled a mussel.

On our way to the gym!

We stopped by the house to visit Mr. Scout for twenty minutes before going to the torture chamber.

I told Mary that paid athletes bulk faster than prisoners using gym facilities.  The answer was obvious. The pros outweigh the cons.

The exercise activity feels good after the pain goes away!

After an hour of hard work in the gym, I finally admitted I wasn’t strong enough and quit.  I just handed in my too weak notice.

We went to the market, which is next door, and picked up things on our shopping list.  Thanks to Alexa, we keep the list with us at all times.  Back home, we went into the swim spa for a good hour soak.  It felt good, and after an hour, the old muscles were relaxed.

Colleen called, and we talked for half an hour.  I asked to have her send pictures of Dakota in the backyard after the snowstorm.

Who needs a snowplow when Dakota is around?

Colleen’s backyard is massive, and Dakota was having fun making pathways through the snow.

Colleen’s baby made tracks in the snow!

We watched a couple of super movies before crashing for the evening.  Tomorrow is a more relaxing day, plus we must pack for Hawaii!  A little later, Colleen posted the delivery she got from Dunkin’!  She called for home delivery of her latte drink!

Colleen called for delivery from Dunkin’ DOnuts; she had to get her fix!

We went to bed watching Cameron Diaz and fell asleep laughing!

I love that girl!

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A Day OF Rest!

I listened to the radio this morning!

Today, we didn’t accomplish much.  We walked around the garden, removed the tarp from our Christmas storage containers, and cleaned our garden workbench.

I brushed a heavy varnish onto the workbench to protect it from the elements.

  • Tung oil is a natural oil recognized by craftsmen to offer the ultimate hand-rubbed finish for all fine woods; just wipe on and allow the oil to cure at room temperature.
  • Permeates – Unlike other finishes that form a film on the wood’s surface, tung oil penetrates deep into the wood fibers, cures to a flexible, non-oily solid, and becomes part of the wood itself
  • Protects – Resistant to moisture, alcohol, oil, and everyday wear for lasting beauty and protection; lasts many times longer than mineral oil and wax-based products

Mary made a delightful brunch and, later on, dinner, which we enjoyed while watching TV.

We talked to Colleen, who was enjoying 18″ of snow.  We had dinner, and Mary did some mending; besides everything else, she is an excellent seamstress!

A lady of many talents!

I changed the house colors to a Valentine’s motif.

A static view!

The colors change from one side of the house to the other!

I finished the daily diary and headed to bed around 10:00 pm; tomorrow is a big week for us!

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We Await The Evening To Arrive!

Saturday morning, we made sure to pack up all of Christmas and get it ready for hibernation until next year.  Mary was still feeling stiff from her desert ride, but she’s doing much better now.

We did the last-minute things like putting up the Valentine’s Day flag and putting away the New Year’s Day flag.

The last items were easy, as I bought two additional containers!

With tremendous persuasion and veiled threats, I made Mary rest before we planned to go out for the evening.

Jan promised to call and let us know if she would go tonight, so we waited until the last moment; no call, no Jan.    We got ready to go to the Elks and stopped by and got Dianne.  It was a hot time in the old town tonight!

Click the link below to see the detailed pictures:

Join Us At The Doo Wop Night At The Elks!

We zipped down the freeway a few short minutes from the house and joined with 100 of our favorite people for a delightful evening of 1950s music, dinner, and dancing!

Good friends and a wonderful time!

Ronnie, the DJ and all-around great friend, was the master of ceremonies!  He made the evening special with absolutely fantastic and danceable music!

The man of the hour!

Our group was the regulars: Jim & Vicky, Dianne, Bob & Donna, Bill  Mary, Will & Iris.  We were missing the Roberts, Andersons, and Branders, but they will be joining us at the next event,

We started the evening by playing Lee Greenwood, singing God Bless The USA, and bringing the entire Lodge to their feet.

The menu was lacking escargot, so we tried to assist!

Bob so wanted escargot this evening; we helped!

Bob snapped the shutter as I was about to suggest putting a bag over my head!

Just us!

The Pink Ladies were in full regalia, and Frency did their hair; can you tell?

The Pink Ladies were there!

The evening was lively, with Vicky coming up with great ideas; everybody walked carefully around our table!

Careful, Danger ahead!

Vicky told us how men and women prepare to go out; the difference is quite dis-stink-tive (not misspelled).

Vicky gots the giggles!

We did the Hokey Pokey, led by your truly, and it resulted in several missing limbs and a few sore muscles.  Knowing the assumed outcome, I had an oxygen bottle available at the bar for a mere $5.00 per puff, which paid for our dinner that evening.

We searched the floor for missing limbs afterward.

We departed around 9:30 pm after dancing all night long!  Great fun with amazing people!

We arrived home at about 9:50 pm and promptly crashed!

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Work Work Work

I was up at the crack of dawn, ready to continue putting away Christmas.  Mary was already up as her medications had her wide awake.

We called Colleen to see how the snow situation is going, and they expect 4-6 inches of the white stuff this evening—the first real snow of the year.

We worked in the office until 9:30 am, and then I took a little trip to the Thrift Store to drop off several boxes of goodies we no longer needed.  From there, I went to Harbor Sales and got some needed tools.

Did You Know?  Harbor started business in 1931 when all orders were handwritten and confirmed by US Mail.  Yes, that meant no phone orders were accepted.  The team at Harbor has grown over the years using first telegrams, then teletype, telephones, faxes, 800 numbers, and today, e-commerce.

After that, a quick trip to Home Depot was required to pick up some compost and other gardening necessities, including 60w equivalent LED lights.

Decorations seem to grow overnight!

Stack them up and call my son; that is my plan!!

Five of twenty-five completed!

Mary helped me pack delicate items like ceramic houses.  She also disassembled Christmas pyramids.  We worked until it got dark, and then Mary went to watch her movies, and I worked in the office.  We watched movies together, including “Doc Hollywood” and “Teen Werwolf” starring Michael J. Fox.

We walked to Colleen for a while.  I put a new link on the homepage and used a family icon.  When clicked, you go to the collection of gang events I started in 2008.  I restarted it in 2024 now that COVID is pretty much done, and we are back to “normal.”

We crashed, splat.

This icon takes you to our “Friends Site” that began in 2008!

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Colder Than A Bubble Wrapped Well Diggers Butt!

I was trying to help!

Mary has been horizontal for three days, but things are improving.   I wandered into the master bedroom and offered to find her a movie or change the TV channel, and I got yelled at for using a candy bar; she must be feeling better.

I have three thermometers around the house.  Alexa says Orange is 43 degrees, our garden remote sensing device says it is 39 degrees, and the house thermostat says it is 45 degrees.  We settle on 40 degrees!  COLD!

We strolled the garden in our jammies and robes, drinking coffee!


The veggies are growing up through the straw with impunity!  The straw keeps the roots relatively warm.

I was getting ready to make a salad.

The Swiss chard is coming along nicely.  Swiss chard grows well in both cool and warm environments.  For Swiss chards to thrive, 6-8 hours of sunlight daily is needed.  A 10-foot row of Swiss chard can produce roughly 12 pounds of produce.  Like other leafy greens, Swiss chard is high in vitamins A and K, calcium, potassium, and fiber.

They are a marvelous substitute for spinach!

Our lettuce is impressive, and Mary is already out there clipping the little leaves for our salads.  We have to keep after them as they grow too large; we see some visits to our neighbors in the future.

There are six different kinds of lettuce in the garden this year.

It’s always nice to remember our loved ones, especially our parents who hold a special place in our hearts. During this time of year, I find myself thinking about Mom and Dad often.

I found a photo that brought back memories.  Mom passed in 1990, and my memories are vivid; I expect her to walk in the door any time.    It was a picture of our mother taken in the 1970s at my house in La Mirada.

She was visiting me in La Mirada!

This is a message to many people, especially my kid, who we are no longer communicating with.  It’s sad when people get into this mental state, but everyone is different.  I am so happy I am perfect.


We went to the Elks Lodge for lunch as part of “Girls Night Out,” we were pleased to have Sudney and her father join us.  Bill and George joined us.

Sydney and Bob are catching up.

Mike A was supposed to be with us on New Year’s Eve, and he had an accident and went headfirst into a wall, much like I did when I had low blood pressure.  So, being very creative, Mary suggested he needed bubble wrap!

BTW, A survey conducted by Sealed Air Foundation found that one minute spent popping Bubble Wrap relieves as much stress as a 33-minute massage.  Next time you open a package, pop some of that bubble! (p.s. We just ordered 200 square yards of bubblewrap).

The package arrived, and I notified Mike!

Arrival at Mike’s!

So, a few minutes later, we got a note from Mike about how to begin the wrapping activity before he walked around the house.

He looks very stylish and well-dressed.

We had to ask, what was Mike holding?

How It Works: Shake well. Spritz 3-5 sprays into the toilet bowl on the water’s surface. Proceed to do your thing. Poo-Pourri traps bathroom odor under the water’s surface, so it never enters the air.

Mary spent the day in bed to rest her back while I put away Christmas decorations.  I worked for hours while Mary watched TV.

In Work!

After completing the boxes, I stacked them for Joe to wheel into the garage.  My grandsons will store them in the garage attic.

They were packed away for the upcoming year, with only twenty more to go!

When it got late, I could not find many boxes I needed to continue my packing activities, so I came inside and watched TV with Mary (after fixing her popcorn for her movie-watching!)

Sometimes, I would go to the computer and work on my “Friends’ Site,” a collection of activities that began in 2008.


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Yeah Doc, I Are A Good As New

I need to enunciate better!

We were up at six and getting ready to go.  Mary was about 60% but. I could not get her to stay home and not go to the heart doctor with me.

We stopped by Starbucks, or “rip-off joint,” and paid $20 for two cups of coffee and four egg white bites.   We made it to the doctor’s office at 9:00 am for a 9:15 am appointment.

I passed my blood test, and my doctor took a look at the results. He declared that I was “old,” which was not surprising as he was older than me. When the nurse left the room, she told me to take a look at the computer and read my lab results. She knew Mary was a doctor and would find it interesting.

Checking to see all was OK!

After receiving good news regarding my health, including low cholesterol levels (< 90), less than 1.5% missed heartbeats, an A1C of 6.3, and a blood pressure reading of 129/75, we headed home.  Time to celebrate!

On the way, I suggested stopping at the Orange Lodge, but we realized it was Wednesday, and the place was closed. So, we called our friend Bob Z. and he said he was on his way. We ended up having lunch with him and catching up on the latest gossip from the past two days.

We rested at home, and Mary took a nap for two hours. At 3:00 pm, the cleaning crew arrived, so we went to Jan’s house. The three of us enjoyed a bottle of wine.

Jan’s yard was full of oranges and grapefruits, so I went out back with a bag to forage.

Pickin’ Oranges

Jan came out to assist!  Those small trees were perfect; I just walked up and yelled “Jump” and they would fall off the tree into my bag!

We filled the bag!

Tomorrow, Jan is going to the Elks even if I have to tie her up!  When we came home, the cleaning folks had just finished; this time of year, it is easy for them as every surface is filled with Christmas decorations, so their job is easier!

We watched Schlindler’s List and some other movies.

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Down For The Count!

Mary remains down, but she is moving a little better today!  She is glued to the TV, and I am messing with the garage and office, attempting to get them into shape.

Mary finally told me what was bothering her. Last week, she went to the pharmacy, and the pharmacist said:

“Madam, please understand that to buy an anti-depression pill, you need a proper prescription.    Simply showing your marriage certificate and husband’s picture is not enough.”

We stayed indoors all day, and I helped her recover partially; the next day is likely to be much better.

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Beddy Bye Time

It is Monday, and it is a new year, so I am going to try something different.  This year, I plan to put one of my favorite songs on the site every Monday!  Will it date me? You bet!  But I am heading for 80 and still tapping my toe and humming the music!

Mary is not feeling well and has been spending her time in her bedroom while I have been in my office organizing my shelves. I went through my collection of books, which mainly consisted of Time Magazine books. I decided to give away about 37 of them, which took up around 24 inches of space. Additionally, I threw away many computer books as they were outdated, and I can easily access the information online.

Robin called, and when she found out Mary was Out Of Commission ,she hopped by with Nick and brought us “Hoppin’ John,” a traditional Southern good luck dish! This classic Southern dish, a one-pot meal of black-eyed peas, ham hock, and rice, is believed by many to ensure wealth and bring good luck in the upcoming.

She also brought cut-up fruit and three dark bread rolls, which, when slathered in Irish butter, made for a perfect dessert!

This pix is not Robin’s because Robin’s was so good it disappeared within minutes!

We watched TV on and off all day, and I made progress in the office.  I departed the house for about 30 minutes to go to Albertsons for some necessary supplies, but other than that, we were homebodies.

I spent several hours on the website and got a new counter and a new guestbook up and running.  The old code was just too far out of date, and my head no longer works well when coding in PHP.  To return to this page, just look for the  BACK button at the bottom of the page.

Sign Our Guestbook | View Guestbook

I hate passwords and PINs and the security nonsense.

I now have to write everything down!

We finally crashed about 9:00 pm and I went out like a light because the night before I was up almost the entire night.

Just us!

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A Few More Hours And 2023 Is History!

Good Bye 2023!

Join The Fun On Our Website

Mary woke up feeling ill after her Jeep ride in the desert.  Her lower left rib cage in her back is extremely sore, and she has spent most of the day in bed.  There are no marks or bruises, but it is extremely painful to the touch.  Fortunately, Nurse Paul is on duty and providing her with excellent care.

Being brave and not a wuss, she got gussied up and headed to the Santa Ana Elks, arriving at 6:00 pm sharp.

All had great fun!

We danced one dance, and that was a “belt-buckle polisher.”  We stayed and had dinner, which was outstanding.  Since Jan decided not to join us at the last minute, we had an extra “Surf-N-Turf,” so we brought it home to Jeff, our dear neighbor.

It was delicious; everything was done perfectly.

We visited everyone, but after dinner, the pain was getting intolerable, and we headed to the car and went VFR to home.  It was probably good because I had a surprise for everyone at midnight.

Grand plans of mice and men!

After we arrived home, we tried several remedies.  Finally, I offered one of my Oxycodone pills and some Arnicare ointment.  That seemed to do the trick because she finally fell asleep around 3:00 am.  She did not wake up until after 9:00 am on New Year’s Day.

Just us, with Mary being fearless!

While she was going to sleep, I visited Scout and thanked him for his assistance.  He is such a good baby, always ready to help his poppy!

As the dawn breaks on a new year, let us give thanks for all we hold dear: our health, our family, and our friends.  Let us release our grudges, our anger, and our pains, for these are nothing but binding chains.  Let us live each day in the most loving way, the God-conscious way.

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