Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Thursday Was A Good Day!

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Mary and I were moving before 7:00 am and feeling pretty good.  My nose has stopped running, and Mary’s back seemed OK after tripping over the dog again!

We spent the morning in the office tackling a mountain of mail and bills—because nothing says “exciting day” like sorting through envelopes! It was like a boring episode of a reality show titled “The Life of Office Supplies.” But hey, we powered through because the real fun was waiting at the Elks! There’s nothing like trading the thrill of checking statements for the thrill of… well, trying not to start a conga line during lunch accidentally!

We had to find a target to pick on, and today, it was Bill who wanted an egg sandwich, but he said. “They are so messy”.  We helped with suggestions such as: 1) ask for the egg to be fried hard, and 2) ask for Rooster Eggs.    We are always helping Bill!

Teaching Bill how to eat an egg sandwich was fun!

We separated from the Elks after much giggling at 1:00 pm. We were happy that Dianne joined us today and saw what “Girls Night Out” is all about. We hope she continues to join us every week; she would be a welcome addition!

We went home via the dry cleaners and Walgreens.

The wind was whistling, but the weatherman said Friday would be still, and we may get rain on Sunday.

At 3:30 pm, we departed for Benji’s for a surprise party for Ed Roberts, who turns 81 today/  Mary and I went a little early and went to the bar in the back of the restaurant to await Ed’s arrival.   Mary’s new hairstyle, courtesy of the 30 mph winds, is called “Explosion In A Hay Stack.”

What I want to know is how she can be so pretty after walking through a windstorm, and when I do that, I have to chase my toupe two blocks down the street.

We hid in the bar which was out of the wind!

I got the signal: Ed had arrived and was NOT expecting to see us!

Mary gave me the signal. Ed, it is here!

Dang, he is as old as dirt!

When he saw all of us he said, “Holy guacamole!” and “Did I just win the lottery without buying a ticket?”  He was surprised!

We all sat in an expanded booth, and Ed opened his gifts. He was most attracted to the wine. He received several great presents and seemed very happy!


At the end of the meal, I suggested the men have a “Man’s Dessert,” which means a Root Beer float!! (I can’t spell sas-pa-rella)

The root beer float, also known as the “Black Cow,” was invented in 1893 by Frank J. Wisner, the owner of Cripple Creek Brewing Company in Colorado. Wisner was inspired to create the drink after seeing the snowy peaks of Cow Mountain, which reminded him of ice cream floating in soda. National Root Beer Float Day is celebrated on August 6th. A reverse root beer float is made with root beer ice cream and vanilla soda.

Ed attacked the root beer with a gusto not seen in years!

Your bathroom scale will tell you what you are doing now in the morning!!

Thank you, Bob Z, for taking the picture with “The Good Camera”!

The gang’s all here! We have left-to-right, Jim, Vicky, Mary, Paul, Will, Iria, Our Birthday Boy Ed, and Berry.

Our excellent waitress took a shot and did well capturing everyone!  We had a swell time, leaving wonderful memories.   We remembered that on this day, a few years ago in 1848,  Carpenter James Wilson Marshall found nuggets of gold in California’s American River near the site of a sawmill he was building for John Sutter, ushering in a gold rush.

Root Beer float, it’s a guy thing!

My pastrami sandwich was too big for me, so half of it came home to Jeff, our neighbor.  The half-sandwich looked lonely, so we added soup  and a root beer float to the “care package!”

Oh my… Half is going to Jeff!

I have no idea why we went to bed at 8:00 pm, but it probably had to do with our tummies being full and the house being cool.  By 8:30 pm, we were sound asleep.  Scout wanted out at 11:45 pm, so I went to the patio with him.  After that, I slept solidly until almost 6:30 am.

Good night, Ed, and Happy Birthday!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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