Mid Week Crisis Is Upon Us!

I checked our website’s front page and discovered I retired from North American Aviation, which became Rockwell International, and finally became Boeing on 3/21/2007 after 41 years of service 6355 days ago (17 Years, 4 Months, and 24 Days ).

Mary retired as an eye surgeon on 11/22/2021, just before Thanksgiving! It’s been 996 days, and she now has time to live! (2 years, four months, and 24 days ). We will have to celebrate 1000 days this weekend!

That makes it official that “we” have been retired for twenty years! When they ask, “Are you having fun yet?” the answer is a resounding “YES”.

I finished off the Caribbean website, where we posted all of our travel pictures and found some surprises. Our son-in-law Mark does have facial muscles that allow him to smile!

Miracles always happen!

We worked in the yard for a bit and then went to Home Depot to get some flowers, but alas, their selections were minimal. We came home with two little pots. However, all was not lost, as we stopped by Taco Mesa beforehand and had a great breakfast/lunch! Mary attacked a burrito, and I did in two hard-shelled tacos!

Excellent food and quick service!

Returning home, Mary took a nap, and I attacked the garage and made a lot of progress. I am now confident in inviting my dear son to the garage (which he helped me put together).

Mid-afternoon, Sleeping Beauty woke up from her nap and decided to grace me with her presence in the garage, offering to help organize the chaos that is my shop. Even fairy tale characters need a change of scenery once in a while!

Oh my! There was a workbench buried beneath all the in-process projects!!

The cleaning crew came at 2:00 p.m. and did their weekly thing. Domilita and her crew of two make the house look spotless after they are done. We are pretty neat people, to begin with, but after Domi is done, Scout is full of cookies, not a single particle of dust remains, and the kitchen looks as if Mary had not been cooking all week!

Mary took over half a razzleberry pie and some candy bars to Jeff on our way to the Tustim Area Senior Citizens Center.

We met several of our dancing friends at the center and danced for two hours to The Smoothies, who played fantastic dance music!

Mary harvested some vegetables in the garden just before we went and brought a large box of veggies, including fresh basil, to the event.

Bill and I discuss the problems of the world and generally solve none!

The Smoothes were showing off last night. Mary and I twirled around the room so many times that I think I’m still dizzy! We even attempted the Texas two-step, and I may have accidentally initiated a tango. Mary complained about her aching feet on the drive back home, but I consider that a success in dance!

They are excellent as they play all danceable music and short renditions, so we elder statesmen do not have to stop midway through!

Bill’s bride, Mary, has a birthday tomorrow, and according to tradition, they are going to the second-hand store in San Juan Capistrano, where Mary shops, while  Bill goes next door to the bar.

It was a great evening of dancing and visiting friends.

At 9:30 p.m., we declared victory and headed home, but we decided we might try Aces Bar and Grill for a drink. Well, as we pulled up in front, the noise inside was horrific. Someone was having a party, and there was live music; oh my! We walked in, looked around, did a 180, and returned to our car. It was too noisy for us!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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