Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Day 5 – Zipping Through Honduras!

We is on vacation and having a ball!

We were abruptly awoken by a polite yet overly enthusiastic knock on the door, only to find a cheery chap standing there with an offering of coffee and orange juice. Morning wake-up calls have never looked this bright!

We swung open the sliding glass door and were greeted by a faceful of the astonishing 85-degree 8:00 am morning, accompanied by a whopping 90% humidity. It felt like nature’s way of saying “Good morning, here’s a tropical vacation!” We, of course, promptly decided we preferred our climate-controlled indoor paradise and promptly retreated, hoping for a more polite weather greeting next time.

We looked out the now-closed door to see the harbor.

We have arrived.

We had some coffee and got dressed in a leisurely manner as we do not have to be at the rendizvous location until 11:00 am.

The bay was sheltered from the sea.

Hark will be delighted to see the Hinduran Navy came to greet him in their latest submarine!

The Hinduran Submarinbe Serice greeted us.

We slurped thought the coffee, finished off the daily diary, and then headed to our dining room for a lite breakfast.

The steakhouse dining area is reserved for suite passengers so it is quiet and perfect for discussing the day! We decided a quick return to the room was in order to make sure we had everything for the adventure.

Breakfast at the Grill.

We checked out bia security and walked the gangplank  toward Mahogany Bay.  Mahogany Bay is the cruise ship port owned by Carnival Corporation, located on the island of Roatan. Roatan is a popular cruise ship stop in the Western Caribbean, typically on the same itinerary as Belize and Cozumel.

Mahogany Bay Honduras, here we come.

It can hold to ships at one time and the piers are first class compete with air conditioned tourist traps!

Lined up!

We walked around the shops and Mary bought me a SPF 80 long sleeved shirt complete with a hoodie.  I asked her about the hookie and she said, “On you bad hair days, you can wear the shirt backwards!”  She is always thinking.

Mary took a quick potty break before we hot suited up and she announced the potties were air conditioned!  Wow.

Waiting to get harnessed up.

We are harnessed up and await our executive limo to the top of the hill.  Well, it turned out to be a mini-pickup truck where we were going to have to ride in the back.  The operator took one look at the two of us and put us in the cab with the driver.  It’s good to look old and in my case decrepit.

We are ready to hang precariously form a single thread.

After a comically strenuous drive up a trail that felt more like a mule’s path, we finally conquered the mountain peak at a staggering altitude of 15,454 feet. Thank goodness we packed oxygen – it saved us passing out! From the top, we could practically wave to Ft. Lauderdale.

Wait, I’m coming.

OK, it was NOT that tall but is was 1500 feet or so.  The bay spread out below.

It was a great virw form the top.

This was the easiest station.  I kept the camera in a button-up pocket because we were really moving.  Station #4 had a top speed of 45 miles per hour and we had to use our asbestos gloves to slow down before hitting the station!  Oh my!

Here we go!

Notice that every station had their trees wrapped with splat-protectors.

Getting the harness adjusted.

Hold on, we are supposed tobe doing DOWN, not UP!  I kept for the elevator or escalator bu alas, we had to walk, crawl, or otherwise navigate to the next station.  Dr. Mary was like a mountain goat and I was like a beached whale.

Og my, the adventure was part hiking in the jumgle.

Just as we were about to reach our final destination, I put my superhuman x-ray vision to good use and spotted our ship. The Grill Bar had our name cards ready at table #3 before we even got there. It’s like they knew we were coming, or maybe they just sensed our alcohol cravings from a mile away!

The ship; the ship!

Our guide was delightful.

We made it; next trip is 1600′ to the local bar at the beach!

Only a few more feet b efore alcohol and air conditioning, our two favorite “A’s”

Paul plopped!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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