Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Day 1 – Arrival In Florida And Meetng With The “Kids”

We got to the hotel at 7:00 am and settled in, but first, before resting, we needed breakfast.  We went to the hotel restaurant and were a little shocked by the $25.00/person  breakfast, but we were tired and hungry and paid the price.  Breakfast was good but $50 for eggs and bacon seemed a little much.

BAck to the room, we crashed for about three hours and it was indeed needed.


About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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