Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Viva The US

OMG, History repeats itself!  The Socialists are at it again!  And voters are falling for their “policies” that ruined many nations!

It was Sunday, and we were up, had our coffee, and searched our closets for something to wear to the Elks Mariachis Breakfast.

A mariachi band was in a car accident. Unfortunately, some of the instruments were damaged, and the band members were slightly injured. Don’t worry, they made a maraca-less recovery.

Is it mariachi or Mariachis? noun,plural ma·ri·a·chis [mahr-ee-ah-cheez; Spanish mah-ryah-chees]. a member of a small band of strolling musicians who play a genre of Mexican dance music, characterized by trumpets, guitars, violins, and vocals.

We arrived at 10:00 am, and the room was empty.

Our bonnets came from our trip to Mexico with Robin and Bob early last year.  We have been saving them for such and event!

We came in costume.

Our friend Rommi had to come over and comment about our costumes.  Next time we go to Mexico, we are going to bring him a hat like ours!  We would look, ah, he would , ah….  We will just bring him one!

What do you call a mariachi band with one member? A Juan man band.

V=icky appointed us official Mexicans for the day!

The term “mariachi” has its origins in a combination of the now-extinct indigenous Coca language — once spoken in the area now referred to as the Mexican state of Jalisco — and Spanish.

What is a mariachi yell called? grito! The Mexican ‘grito’, or shout, that often accompanies family celebrations and mariachi music and is part of a national celebration every September 16th, is more than a loud yell — it’s an expression of excitement, joy, and pride.

Mariachi is a traditional Mexican music and a fundamental element of Mexican culture. Traditional Mariachi groups are made up of two or more members, wearing regional costumes adapted from the charro costume and interpreting a broad repertoire of songs on stringed instruments.

We moved out to the patio to get a better background for our picture.

This is mucho better!

We could not resist a little use of AI to capture our costumes.

Hello Ombre!

A little romance, perhaps?  We actually got up and danced to two different songs they played, one a waltz and one a foxtrot.  Jim and Vicky, plus Ed and Betty, also joined in; we were applauded by the band and the audience.

Yes indeed!

The dancers join in about 11:15 am, kicking the shindig into high gear!

What is the difference between a charro and a mariachi?  A charro is a member of a traditional Mexican Folkloric dancing group. Mariachi is a traditional Mexican Folkloric musical group. Charros typically wear brightly colored, intricately embroidered clothing and hats.

I was out of breath just watching them move, oh my!

Most of the gang was here.  We missed the Zaitz, but Donna had to work in the garden and Bob was probably working on paperwork.

Mary & Paul. Vicky & Jim, Ed & Betty

When we got home at about 1:00 pm, it was warm, so we decided to work in our garden.  Before going outside, Mary modeled her Mexican attire in our hallway: a little AI, and she was outside!

Mary got the dress from a friend, Dianne, and it is always in style for such cultural events.

We spent around three hours trimming the roses and cutting back some of the flowers in the garden. Finally, at around 4:00 pm, we were done with our work and decided to relax in the hot tub. After getting in the hot tub, we enjoyed the rest of our day while sipping a small glass of wine. We stayed in the hot tub for a full hour, which is equivalent to three complete cycles of the water pump.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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