Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
I am thinking about taking diction classes!
It’s Friday, and we’re heading to the gym for our workout. I love wearing my stretchy pants and new black T-shirt, although it may offend someone! No, not the pants, the T-shirt!
We do 30 minutes on the treadmill or bicycle before the workout begins. We have to get the body warmed up before the torture!
Our trainer is excellent; we can’t get away with anything. She caught me this morning counting by twos; it’s not fair, she has exceptional hearing, also!
Our torture expert!
The workout is done. Now let’s go to the market! We needed some vital goodies like milk and apple turnovers!
Ralph’s is next door.
Before hitting the garden, Mary made a gym-goer’s brunch. The only thing on the table with significant calories was the plastic spoon and the primary election pamphlet.
Breakfast is served!
We brought this home from Hawai’i and had to finish it today! It was excellent. Pineapple is a fruit consisting of many berries that have grown and fused together. Pineapples are not a single fruit but essentially a group of berries. The technical term for this is a “multiple fruits” or a “collective fruit.”
Say Bye Bye to Hawaii!
Thank you, Jeff, for the Blood Oranges.
Vicky’s favorite!
Thank you, Jeff, for the Blood Oranges.
We worked in the yard for three hours trimming roses and working on one of the towers! We tried to beat the trashman, but he came by just before we finished filling one of our barrels.
There are wild parrots all over LA and Orange County, and many stories about how they started, ranging from accidentally let out by the Santa Ana Zoo to exotic bird smugglers. I have seen them in Los Alamitos and Orange. Sometimes, they sit in the trees behind our house and raise quite a racket; then they fly off!
The wild parrots visited us as we were working.
An hour ago, these were rose bushes.
Did You Know? Pruning is vital to the health of the rose bush; it helps prevent disease by removing areas that may harbor infestations and encourages flowering. Your roses may look stark after a good pruning, but roses grow very prolifically and will fill in quickly. It’s almost impossible to kill a rose bush by over-pruning.
I guess you could say, “We rose to the occasion!”
I am getting old because I had to get my gardening chair; my back gave out after the first three roses were done.
So we have citrus; in a word, YES!
We have a gaggle of oranges right along the fence to the east of the garden.
We disassembled the tower and dumped the root-infested soil into the garden cart. We added amendments and put the soil back in the tower. Now, we wait to fill the tower with whatever comes to mind.
At 3:30 pm, we began to clean up so we could depart for the Elks Lodge at 4:50 pm to meet up with Vicky and Jim for an evening of frivolity! Five-Star was playing this evening.
Ronnie was there in spirit!
Five-Star always starts with “God Bless America,” which brings the Elks Lodge to attention with everyone standing and singing to our nation!
The Elks love their country!
Then we dine and dance for three hours! Calories in – calories out! It’s a thing! Mary and I were good tonight; we shared the salmon dinner.
A recent discovery!
We danced a waltz, two-step, rhumba, and several swing numbers! After working all day, the dancing loosened everything up.
We danced all night long!
We won’t see each other for a long time; Sunday at the lodge for the Mariachi Brunch!
Good Night All!
We drove home, but the car made us turn on Chapman, and it pulled into Ace’s automatically. We stole the jukebox away from the typical crappy bar music and played 40s and 50s tunes. We even danced a few and received wild applause from the locals!
At 10:00 pm, we headed home, which is 1.5 miles from our bar stool (as the crow flies).
BTW, Which types of crows are best known to stick together? Vel-crows.