A Rainy Day In Orange!

It’s September and it’s raining. The veggie garden benefits from it. We walked in the garden this morning while it was drizzling.   We felt like a kids again and were waiting for an adult to yell, “Get in the house!“.  Scout was barking, do you think….naw,couldn’t be!

“I am watching you two!”

Every time we pick vegetables from the garden, we were amazed at the abundance of produce. The garden has yielded hundreds of pounds of veggies. However, we have already filled up five 90-gallon trash cans with waste, and it seems that we will need another twelve cans before the season is over to clear all the debris and prepare the garden for the next planting.

Mary’s health is improving every day, and I’m feeling good as well, except for a slight cough. As we weren’t feeling completely well, we decided not to see the kids off. Later in the day, Dianne gave us a call, and we had a chat. When she mentioned that she was heading to the grocery store, we invited her to come over and go shopping with us. She agreed, and we all went and filled our bags with fresh produce.

Dianne is also a super chef, and she forwarded the stuffed tomatoes in the process of beginning dinner at Chez Reidy.  It’s amazing that when they are broiled, the water departs, and that leaves an intense tomato flavor!

What do you call a tomato that self-identifies as a carrot? A Transplant.

Dianne went grocery shopping in our garden.

After sitting in the office all day, we decided to work in the garden during the late afternoon. Despite the 78-degree heat and 80% humidity, we felt the need to get our circulation going and our bodies moving. Our tired butts also needed a break from sitting all day.

Mary beautified the roses and tended to the planter boxes. I removed the dead plants, turned over 80 square feet of planter number three, and transplanted all the lettuce into a single row for easier shading.

We had a delightful dinner and watched some “Suits” before deciding it was time to soak.

We turned on the gas heater to warm our robes despite the warm weather and hot spa.

Time to get in the hot tub!

We sat and talked for three thirty-minute soak cycles.  It is fantastic to get this much time to sit across from your best friend and talk about anything and everything.

We got in a 7:45 pm as evidenced by the clock.  We had the office windows opened since we worked in there, the whole house fan kept it cool.


We went back to the kitchen where we had cherries jubilee without the fire and brandy because we’re limiting our alcohol intake. I substituted whipped cream, another substance we should monitor!

Did You Know?  Cherries Jubilee is a  dessert of black cherries that have been flambéed with brandy or kirsch and spooned over vanilla ice cream. It is served as a dessert topping, usually on ice cream (or our favorite: atop warm, freshly made crepes). Cherries Jubilee is generally credited as being created by chef Georges-Auguste Escoffier for Queen Victoria’s Jubilee celebrations in the late 19th century – hence the name!

At 10:00 p.m., we finally decided to call it a night and went to bed with Mary feeling much better. I returned to my office and spent another hour organizing my desk. I was tired of spending hours trying to find things on my cluttered desk.

Mary, I find the most beautiful moments of life aren’t just with you but because of you.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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