Day 13; Three More Sailing Days Ahead!

We decided to take it easy today and didn’t order room service until 10:00 am.  We spent some time admiring the ocean and catching up on the weather in Mexico.  We’re unsure if we want to go zip-lining in the rain so we might check out Papas & Beers instead.

We departed our room at noon and went to the Divinci Dining Room for lunch.   The pasta special was excellent, and we finished it with pumpkin pie.

The stuffed bell pepper was outstanding!

Mary again did the soup and salad.  I may try to get weighed tomorrow and change my eating habits.  If someone calls me fat,  I ignore them.  I am bigger than that!


We spent an hour on the 18th floor reading our books in peace.  On our way back to the cabin, we canceled the zip line adventure due to the 90% chance of thunderstorms and 40 mph winds forecasted for Sunday.

We had a couples massage scheduled for 3:00 pm.


I asked Mary for a massage last night after dancing for hours.  She was very cooperative and had an excellent suggestions.

She only called twice.

At 4:00 pm, we attended a ballroom dance class on the ship.  It was a cha-cha class.  Many people were in attendance, but nothing we didn’t already dance to, so we assisted others.

At 6:00 pm, we returned to the room for a “Ballroom Music” dance session.  We asked the staff to switch the music from their usual ballroom tunes to Mary Capps’ playlist two days ago.  When we arrived at the dance, we were delighted that the music was indeed Mary Capps Play List (MCPL).

We danced to almost every song and even convinced others to join in.  Dr. Mary informed the staff of how delightful the music was now.  Mary asked me to dance with an older Japanese lady who was alone; I did, and she was very thankful.

We had dinner at an Italian restaurant on the ship’s top floor at 7:20 pm.  Although the food was excellent, the service was slow, likely due to the individual preparation.

We waited for 90 minutes, and both of us started getting anxious.  I was stiff, and it wasn’t easy to get going again.

The meal was very nice and the presentations amazing.

Dinner was excellent; this was an appetizer of thinly sliced veal in a cream sauce.

Why don’t Italians have BBQs?  The spaghetti falls through the grill.

Good groceries.

Almost too pretty to eat!

In her infinite wisdom, Mary devices a way to get me up and moving after sitting too long!  We will train Scout when we get home.   We talked to Irene, and she and Scout are doing just fine.

After all that dancing, I had a hard time getting up!

We were done; it was 9:00 pm.  We looked at each other, checked our watches, and decided to watch a movie in the cabin like old people.  No more dancing this evening.

We got another notice from the photos people to download some images.

Good night all!

Today was laid back, but tomorrow we will get busy again!  We checked the weather, and we are heading into the path of a small hurricane, but as of 11:45 pm (the time right now), the seas are still relatively smooth.

When we decided to go to bed, we had a visitor.  Stanley was already in the sack!


Good night all!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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