Estimated reading time: 1 minute
Fact: A cat’s nose pad is as unique as a human fingerprint, so no two feline noseprints are ever alike.
Joe came over to see where we ought to place the full-house fan and we found a spot. After that, we went to Girls Night Out, and Joe joined us.
Checking Amazon for the latest!
GNO was a total success, we managed to embarrass everyone at least three times and giggled out way through three root beers and a sasparilla!
Fun Fun Fun!
We hurried home and did nothing until about 5:00 PM when we departed for La Habra and Italian Gardens for dinner with the Linds!
Remington stole the show!
Love this couple; they are raising good kids!
Zachary (our grandson) and Rebecca
Must be time to go to bed!
We crashed Friday will be get ready day!