Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Fact: The current world population represents only 7% of the total of anatomically modern human beings who have ever lived (which is an estimated 108 billion people).
I had to start the day with a father-to-son talk with Scout after he told me of his disastrous date last night.
It is lucky I speak fluent dog!
After the past two days, Monday was sitting back and relaxing. Diane and Pat came over around noon and we went to Rockwell’s for lunch with Colleen.
After that, we dropped in to see Dianne and David and treat the Porters to their collection of vintage goodies.
These guys looked great and Hardy is even animated!
Julia was charming!
After the visit we returned home where we talked until almost 5:00 PM. It’s nice having family and I was able to share some of Diane’s family photos and mementos with her that I recently found.
At 7:30 PM we went outside where the evening temperature was perfect for watching the last of the sunset and having a glass of wine.
The glow in the west was beautiful.
Colleen poured us a glass of wine which was delightful. Remember, wine flies when you’re having fun. At our age, we have to be careful how much wine we drink so, we only drink wine on days that end with a “y.”
A beautifukl sight until the bottle goes empty!
We watched “The Crown” for a while and fell sound to sleep! It was an emotional past few days!