We Stayed Home And Worked Around The House

Fact: Pringles are not potato chips. From 2007 to 2009, Pringles had a court issue where judges debated whether Pringles were potato chips or not, and in 2009, it was ruled that they were potato chips. However, Pringles are just 42% potato; the rest are made of wheat.

It was in the 70s this morning when we got up; maybe this hot spell is now over?

Yeah! We can turn down the air conditioner!

It’s that time of the year, so we were in the garage doing a search and seizure mission in the garage attic. We found our Halloween decorations, and they are now in the kitchen, two stacks of four tubs,  ready to be distributed throughout the house.   We decided we needed a better way to store them next year because they were behind the Christmas things at the far end of the garage attic.   My knees were sore from crawling back and forth.

I want to be something terrifying for Halloween this year, so I’m dressing up as a cell phone battery with 2% battery remaining.

While we got some of it up, 80% is still in the boxes for us to do tomorrow. Do you remember last year?

We will recreate the Halloween tree tomorrow!

I remember when Halloween was the scariest night of the year. Now, it’s Election night.

Mary got the Halloween flag, and with proper ceremony (we turned loose 2022 bats into the neighborhood), the flag was raised.

Mary found the Halloween flag.

Mary decided to make Chicken Cacciatore means “hunter” in Italian. In cuisine, alla cacciatora is a meal prepared “hunter-style” with onions, herbs, tomatoes, bell peppers, and sometimes wine.

You can see the entire process by clicking here, as I am now capturing the culinary adventures of Dr. Mary.

We brought the TV to the kitchen and watched a movie while cooking up a storm.

I diced and sliced and did the Mise en place thing. Mise en place (pronounced meez ahn plas) is a wonderful French cooking term that literally translates to ‘put in place.’ The purpose of mise en place is to allow the chef to cook most efficiently without having to stop.

Since it was almost Halloween, Mary asked for the eye of the newt and toe of the frog, wool of the bat, and tongue of the dog, but we were fresh out! I did notice Scout high-tailing it out of the room!

Magic is being made!

A meal fit for a king!

After dinner, we wandered over to Jeff’s and met with his long-term friend (over 50 years). We sat out by the fire, drinking wine and slapping mosquitos. We talked and shared stories for two hours; it was beautiful. Having great neighbors is a great thing.

Stories were told and re-told!

Arriving home at 8:30 PM, we decided to crash as tomorrow is a busy day!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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