The Decorating Continues; We Are At 85%

“Nothing ever seems too bad, too hard, or too sad when you’ve got a Christmas tree in the living room.”

First things first; coffee and warm feet!  We rolled up the dining room chairs to the fireplace, put our feet on the hearth, and drink to another beautiful day together, getting ready for the holidays.

First mistake of the day, but I had to do it.  I asked Mary,”What do you call the crazy people who are already putting up Christmas decorations?” Mary cringed, took a deep breath, held her nose, and told me to proceed with the stinker.  I obliged by saying, “Orna-mental. of course!”

We love the friendly, warm fire!

The doorbell rang at 9:15 AM and it was TJ, our electrician.  We walked the house and I gave him fifteen jobs to estimate including replacing the entire power panel.  We are looking forward to his estimates and getting the work underway.

We went to Rockwell’s to order a special coconut cake for Robin’s birthday this Sunday.  We decided to share a breakfast burrito so we could get to the foot doctor in time.  We drove to Newport to see Dr. Bill, the podiatrist.  I am getting a new set of orthotics after the first of the year.

I did ask Mary, “Why don’t podiatrists use the metric system?” Why does she look so shocked when I make my inquiries?  I told her, “Because they get paid by the foot.”  OK, I was on a roll.  Taking my life in m,y hands, I said, “If a cabbie drives a cab, what does a podiatrist drive?”  MAry mulled over my rather poignant question and then shrugged!  I quipped, “Duh, a toe truck.”   I had to promise NOT to share my humor for the rest of the trip to Newport.

We went to “Girls Night Out” at the Elks in Santa Ana immediately after the visit with the good doctor.  Hal and Jeannie had just arrived when we pulled in, so we followed them inside.  Jeannie wanted to talk to Mary about some eye issues, so they did their thing.

I told Hal my favorite ophthalmologists joke.

A man sits next to another man on the train and pulls out a photo of his wife and said, “Isn’t she beautiful?”

Other man: If you think she’s beautiful, you should see my wife

First man: Why? Is she a stunner?

Other man: No, she’s an ophthalmologist

Hal and I discussed the world and ordered a drink while the ladies were busy.

The regulars showed up, but today was without Dr. Capps, who was with his Mary and she was having a minor procedure done, I think it was a heart transplant or something like that?   Sydney was with us today and that is always a plus!

The Ash’s joined us and it was officially hat day and Linda was glowing red.  If Rudolph was not around, Linda could take his place guiding the sleigh!

Time to fine dine!

Jeannie was tickled because instead of waiting two weeks to see the doctor, Mary placed a call, and she is going in tomorrow.

Jeannie and Mary, after arranging to see the doctor.

To celebrate all the Christmas spirit, I ordered a dozen oysters.  Iris, eat your heart out!  Jeannie was the only other person at the table who liked oysters, and we did them in quickly.

I told Jeannie about my pet oyster, Dufus!    Dufus the oyster was brilliant, and one day, I couldn’t find him. I think he was using clamouflage.

Jeannie and I had oysters.

I know now why they call them sliders. I asked Mary if they would accept my Oyster card in the local Shell station. I did not get an answer.


Now I understand what they mean when they call someone oyster lips!  I did make an announcement at the table for all to hear.  I said, “Recent research has shown that oysters have developed an advanced method of communication. They use shell phones.”

Oyster Lips!

We returned home to relieve Scout who was by now seeing through yellow-colored eyes.

Our mason stopped by and delivered some stone samples that had been treated with a special coating to bring out the colors. We will take a look and let him know a little later.    We talked about the vegetable garden, and I think we know ew who will be doing it for us.

After he departed, we continued our decorating activities, and around 6-ish, Mary fixed a little dinner from leftovers, and it was fantastic; hit the spot!. Robin dropped by for a visit.

My mother made some jewelry-Christmas trees complete with lights.  Over the years, things have come loose and missing, so Mary and Robin opened the field hospital again and did the surgery.  The pictures look as good as new now!

Robin came over and spent time with us.

I was heart-warmed to see the pictures get such tender loving care.  They bring back old memories of my wonderful mother.

Mom’s artwork is now repaired!

After Robin departed, we watched TV and soon after that crashed; the eyes were closed, and we were in dreamland by 8:00 PM.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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