Mary Is At Work; TIme For The Mice To Play!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself as getting stronger and living a fulfilling, happier & healthier life.

Today is Monday, which means you must be subjected to some of Paul’s favorite music, generally of the 1950s. I need to admit, today’s song was released in 1948, but Patti Page made it a real hit in 1950! So, here it goes!

Did You Know? All versions of the lyrics narrate a situation in which the persona has introduced their sweetheart to a friend who then waltzes away with them. The lyrics are altered for pronoun gender based on the gender of the singer.

Did You Know? Monday is the only day of the week that is an anagram for a single word. This word is dynamo!

Mary zoomed off to work, and I finished cleaning up after last night’s excellent dinner party!  It was not too bad because we did one load of dishes last night before hitting the sack!  By 11:00 AM, all was done, and Scout and I could rest!

We continued doing chores around the house, and I even washed and ironed the place settings and napkins; I am getting to be quite a domestic!  This specific set of placemats and napkins have got to be at least forty years old; it was nice to get them out and use them!

During the rest of the day, I just did off jobs around the house; there is always something to do!

At 4:00 PM, I did errands, dropping off Robbi the Roomba at the repair shop.  His dust bin is on the fritz.  She will be notified of the damages tomorrow.

Then it was off to the market as I wanted something special for dinner tonight; I just was not sure what!

While at the shopping center, I picked up my three tuxedos as the formal dance season was picking up.  When I arrived home, Scout, who had his lease in his mouth, was giving me the signal, “Daddy, it is walk time.”  So, I walked Five Miles (a.k.a. Scout) before starting dinner.

Dinner, you ask, tonight it was a chili-size.  What is known for sure is that the chili size was developed in Los Angeles at a place named Ptomaine Tommy’s. In business from 1913 until 1958 at 2420 N. Broadway, Ptomaine Tommy’s was the most prominent and best-known chili parlor in town. Reportedly, movie stars such as Mae West and Mary Pickford were regulars devoted to Tommy de Forest’s chili.

I forgot to take a picture of mine; the only difference is I put ours on an English muffin, and I cut up red onions and sauteed them; easier on the tummy!

We watched a movie after dinner called “The Mule” by Clint Eastwood. Storyline: Clint Eastwood stars as Earl Stone, a man who is ninety years old, broke, alone, and facing foreclosure of his business when he is offered a job that requires him to drive. Easy enough, but unbeknownst to Earl, he’s just signed on as a drug courier for a Mexican cartel. He does well, so well that his cargo increases exponentially, and Earl is assigned a handler. But he isn’t the only one keeping tabs on Earl.

The mysterious new drug mule has also hit the radar of hard-charging D.E.A. Agent Colin Bates (Bradley Cooper). And even as his money problems become a thing of the past, Earl’s past mistakes start to weigh heavily on him, and it’s uncertain if he’ll have time to right those wrongs before law enforcement, or the cartel’s enforcers, catch up to him.

After the movie, we went into the swim spa and sta there for an hour just talking.  MAry asked about the bright “star,” and I pulled out my iPhone with the SkyView app and determined it was Venus!

The Moon and Venus were very bright tonight.

We went inside about 9:30 PM and attempted to watch a movie, but Mary’s eyes went closed, and mine soon followed! YEAH!!! After today, Mary only has 3 1/2 days to work before retirement sets in!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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