We are busier than a vampire at a blood bank.
Mary had a Zoom meeting at 7:00 AM, and I was busy doing “stuff” like finishing off the Daily Diary, etc. 6:00 AM. Alexa woke us up with two crazy guys yelling at us; too funny! While Mary zoomed with her group, Scout and I had breakfast and did some chores.
Mary has just a few more trips to her office before she is retired, and I have been retired 14 years, six months, and 29 days so I will be able to help her through the process. She will wonder what hit her as we take off to explore the world together and not have to “work” another day in our lives!
First things first! We had to walk Five Miles this morning to make up for yesterday’s rain interruption. This time we took a longer path and saw new parts of our neighborhoods, plus Scout (a.k.a. Five Miles) got to get his sniffer into overdrive with the new smells. Decorations were in full swing!
The yard was full of creepy crawlies; we passed by quickly for fear of getting bitten!
At the next house over, we met a very nice guy who invited us for dinner. Of course, it was too early to commit for sure, but we did say we would think about it!
A little farther down the street, the garden was infested with Halloween goodies. Some of them were funny, and others were scary!
We then headed to my doctor in Long Beach. On the way, we decided to stop at Old Ranch and have lunch as a glass of vino! After arriving home, we talked to our mason, and he forecasted Thursday to be done.
At 12:45, we went to his office, where he removed some skin cancer off my right forearm, and he got it all on the first attempt, so I was closed up and sent on my way. It was perfect timing because he went to Mary’s doctor in Los Alamitos and arrived with minutes to spare.
While Mary was inside, I went to the local hardware store and got some goodies for our shower and a few odds and ends.
From there, we headed back home to water the baby before we headed to Santa Ana Elks for Bob’s ten-year service award with the Elks. The regular table in the front window had been modified a bit!
We had dinner, and it was “Taco Tuesday.” The meal was a whopp[ing $7.94 each (note: Our lodge number is 794). Mary was well behaved and had a salad while I did the Taco Salad, which was good!
I did, however, keep from filling it to the top and went lite on the cheese. It was quite good. We did a glass of wine and a margarita to wash down the food.
The waitress snapped a picture of us to provide we were both here!
Bob and Robin joined us for dinner, and at 7:30 PM, the program was started, and they passed out awards for people in five-year increments.
The handsome devil he is!
Before going to bed I asked Mary if she was going to miss working. She thought a bit and relayed an event to me that is best shown in the following picture.
We came right home and crashed. We watched Goosebumps again, but I closed my eyelids early, and Mary got almost 50% through the movie. Perhaps tomorrow we might see the entire film!