Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
The CEO of IKEA was elected Prime Minister in Sweden. He should have his cabinet together by the end of the weekend.
So I get up and look at the den/kitchen and go immediately back to bed. Well, immediately was not fast as I had to wade through boxes to return to the bedroom; we have our work cut out for us!!
I decided to attack the bedroom first since, at my age, middle-of-the-night urges need to be satisfied, and fighting a mountain of boxes does not fit the plan. First, I changed light fixtures in the closet to see what I was doing! (Mary got home later and was astounded by the difference between the 40W light and the 150W equivalent LED lighting).
Bob my box, I returned them to the bedroom and unpacked. All of Mary’s dresses (save the dance costumes) fit into the master closet. I have 3.3″ so I hung up three T-shirts!
Next was the office. Our two new bookshelves are insufficient, so I ordered another one. I have a new ponderism: Should it be called “the office” or “the library”?
We expect two matching desks this next week, and then the office/library will be complete.
Next, I attacked the patio mainly because Mary’s plant will need water and some do not like the direct sun. That took longer than expected, plus it was a wild 87 degrees, but we do have the gentle breeze.
The gazebo was a perfect fit for the back of the pool. Loke carefully, and you will see Miss Robin tending the sunflowers.
Nick came with Robin, and we put him to work. He moved a mountain of boxes, flattened ten or fifteen wardrobe boxes, and scrubbed the patio chairs, Goodman, he is!
After working for a couple of hours, we went to Rockwell’s for dinner. We are getting to be regulars there. We got the manager to let Nick inside, despite the posted sign,
Ah! Mother and son, they sure look alike!
We mentioned to the waitress about the upcoming event, and she surprised us with dessert. It disappeared quickly.
By the time we got home, we were done! Kaput! We crashed before 8:00 PM. Tomorrow is going to be a long day!
Before midnight, I woke up and worked on how to get my plug-in devices to attach to the wall. The power supplies are big, and they chew up all the socket area. I SAID TO MYSELF, “Paul, you need a small short extension cord.” Amazon to the rescue.
Back to sleep, I went, with a loud thud!