It Be Thurdsday; Time For Da Elks!

Thursday. The most useless day. It only exists as a reminder that it’s been a really long week, and it’s still not over.

I met Mary around 9:00 AM for coffee at Chez Cote, where we enjoyed the morning, walked Scout, The Wonder Dog, and readied ourselves for “Girls Night Out.”  Before we departed for the Santa Ana Elks, we talked about our dating this past six months. I asked Mary, “Are you a keyboard? Because you’re my type!”  Then, clever with that I am, I stated, “I am a quick wit! Are you made of carbon, oxygen, and tellurium? Because you’re COTe?  She quickly responded with, “Yes dear, a half-wit!”

She is such a jewel!

We took Mary’s pickup truck today so it would get some freeway running, and like magic, we were there.  Mary’s to the Elks was about 15 short minutes.  Arriving just at the stroke of noon, Bob Z. pulled up, and we all waddled in together.

Our table was reserved, and our favorite waitress was on duty bringing us a “surprise” drink of the day; she called it a COVID Special.  It was good, very good!  Hic!  We put Mary at the head of the table to remind us to be “gentlemen,” and it worked.

Chairman Of The Board

In addition to Mary and I, today were Dr. Capps, Ph.D. (Pile it Higher and Deeper), Professor Zaitz, and his Majesty, Bad Mike Andersen. The five of us hooted and hollered for ninety minutes driving everybody away; we were the last folks standing.

Don’t ask; Don’t tell! Bill had his normal ice water!

I, as usual, was my well-behaved self! (laughter in the background!) I was studying how to attack the corned beef and cabbage since I was sharing with Dr. Mary, who watches my diet. I told Mary, “Dieting is not a piece of cake!”  Besides, diets are for those who are thick and tired of them.

No, I was not asleep!

After lunch, which was excellent, BTW, we headed home.  Due to Miss Mary, I was NOT stuffed as we shared the corned beef and cabbage special, and each had a bowl of soup.  We decided to order that because on the way t the elks, we saw a truck overturned, spilling cabbage all over the highway. It was horrific! We slaw it happen!

On our way home, Mary was still worried about her reduced income because of being retired, so I showed her my secret for handing bills!

When we arrived home at Mary’s, it was time for the swim-spa, which helps Mary and her sore back.  We sat there for a good hour and a half before coming in for dinner.  We could have gone to a Halloween party dressed as prunes! I had so many wrinkles my eyes were bugging out!

Scout checked the temperature to make sure it was OK!

While I got the spa ready, Mary checked the vegetable boxes to see what might be for dinner this evening or what will be ready this weekend.  When she retired, I know that we have to cook some kale, make some salad, and broccoli is definitely ready for harvest time.  Why is kale never lonely? Because they come in bunches.

Mary checks the garden, and I check Mary…It seems a fair trade!

We watched a little TV, and I fixed dinner using some leftovers.  I fried an egg and put it on top of some heated twice-baked potatoes, and added some meatballs I got today from the market.  I reminded Mary that miracles are like meatballs because nobody can exactly agree on what they are made of, where they come from, or how often they should appear.

By 8:00 PM, we were both asleep on the couch, so at 9:30 PM, I sent Mary upstairs to bed, and I headed west on the 22 towards home.  We had a grand day together!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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