It’s Friday. Any plan of being a productive member of society is officially thrown out the window.
We walked Scout early, and as we passed by Linda’s house, Mr. Yukon was looking out the window, hopefully not for his potential breakfast! Dog: An intelligent four-footed animal who walks around with an idiot on the end of his leash.
Mary works today, so I will work also! I attacked the kitchen, rearranging some of the equipment, including the microwave. I moved the bread mixer to the closet and put new filters into the coffee maker, the Keurig system, and the water cleaner. I then attacked the washer and dryer and got everything back in ship-shape order.
Hello New Hampshire! I called Colleen and we shared coffee filter secrets! Now she knows what to tell Mark about Keurig coffee water filters.
At 10:00 AM, I went to CVS to pick up my prescription and then to Ralph’s to get some goodies I may need when I am convalescing after next week’s surgery. I got artichokes for dinner!
Returning home, I finished off packing away Christmas on the north side of the house.
In between moving all of the boxes and needed to sit and catch my breath, I put the final touches on the Christmas 2020 website. It is not nearly as big as past years, but COVID-19 pretty much put the kibosch on all the normal activities we used to do.
I still have to laugh every time I see the picture of Miss Mary and me “watching” TV. We are so alike, we both crashed, movie going full blast, surrounded by family and friends! The kids had a ball making fun of us!
The song “Thanks for the Memory,” written for the February 1938 film The Big Broadcast of 1938 by Leo Robin and Ralph Rainger and performed by Bob Hope and Shirley Ross, had proved very popular. Carmichael and Loesser were asked to write a new song for a follow-up film, Thanks for the Memory. They came up with “Two Sleepy People,” which was again sung by Hope and Ross. Here I thought it was written for us!
Remember The Lyrics To The Song “Two Sleepy People”?
Here we are, out of cigarettes.
Holding hands and yawning, look how late it gets
Two sleepy people, by dawn’s early light.
And too much in love to say good night.
Here we are in the cozy chair.
Pickin’ on a wishbone from the Frigidaire
Two sleepy people with nothing to say
And too much in love to break away.
At 5:30 PM, I headed for Mary’s to have dinner and attempt to watch “Good Morning Vietnam,” an inside joke. OK, we tried to watch it three times this week, and each time we crashed. Tonight, we watched the whole thing! Truly a miracle.
I told Mary that I ate a clock this afternoon, it was very time-consuming.
Mary made pasta, and we had artichokes after dinner, a great dessert! Tomorrow I have to be at Los Alamitos Urgent Care at 8:30 AM for a COVID-19 test so I can be cleared for surgery.