Saturday And Party Time

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

To thine own elf be true.

Geez!  It’s 6:00 AM, and we are up getting ready for the party that is eleven hours away!  Mary had her list, and I have mine, and we will be busy all day.  Mary is going to the hair parlor this morning, and I am off to Home Depot and a few other spots.

Partee Partee

We talked to Colleen and visited with her for a while.  New Hampshire is cold.  We then talked to Robin and decided she is coming over tonight, leaving Bob behind because of the COVID scare he had at work.

We found a perfect decoration for the tree!

Awe, so romantic!

I got home earlier than Mary, so I worked on finishing my list, which was pretty simple: fix Santa’s switch, make the flowers fit in the sleigh, repair the border around the fireplace, get the front house lights working, get red wine, get soft drinks, and a few more things. It feels good to be needed again!

At 3:00 PM, I popped into the shower and got ready for Chuck and Lisa to show up. We decided to have the party catered so we could visit our guests and not have to worry about everything.  It was perfect!

The Armstrong Group (Chuck and Lisa) catered the party!

We managed a hug once or twice as the evening progressed.  It was nice to stand back and see the dinner come together. Since we know Chuck and Lisa, we kibitzed as they worked.

We are very happy together!

Robin showed up so she could help, and of course, she found something to do; hug the baby!

Scout looks a little cautions, maybe he thinks Robin has a costume hidden somewhere?

Robin and Mary have really hit it off!  We both wished that Colleen was here to join in on the fun but she is under wraps in New Hampshire where it is colder than a well diggers butt.  It was 23-degrees during our party!

A pair to draw to!

Bob and Donna join the fray meaning serious cavorting will begin!  Bob and Donna have been friends of ours for years and years. We met them through dancing almost twenty years ago.  Bob and I joke we are brothers from different mothers.

Bon and Donna, wonderful friends!

David and Dianne came soon thereafter, and the party got seriously underway! They are a delightful couple making the table conversations very interesting! We are trying the salt infusen chocolate candies; very interesting to say the least!

Friends for almost a quarter-century.

We soon headed for the table in the living room, and munching sounds began. Being served by Chuck and Lisa was a treat; we didn’t even have to move.

Serious partying now underway!

We jabbered and talked for a couple of hours, sharing funny stories and enjoying the Yule Log.  The Yule log cake (or bûche de Noël for French speakers) is an elaborate creation consisting of a rolled, filled sponge cake, frosted with chocolate buttercream to look like tree bark and festooned with meringue mushrooms, marzipan holly sprigs, spun sugar cobwebs and any other sort of edible decorations.

6,787,462,654,554 calories.

So I asked the question, “Did we have a good time?”

Yes, Yes, Yes!

By eleven o’clock, we were ready to crash, and the best part EVERYTHING was cleaned up, the dishwasher was running, and there was nothing to do!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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