I Made It Another Year!

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

I am one candle closer to starting a house fire.

I woke up and did not feel any older, but then I figured it out, I was born at 4:03 PM, so I have to wait until later in the afternoon.

Mary went to work, and Scout and I had all morning to fiddle around.  We took a walk, and Scout, being the ever caring dog, walked slowly, making sure pops didn’t collapse.  We worked around the house, cleaned up from last night’s soiree, and generally were lazy.

I glanced out the master bedroom window and saw a man standing at the front door!  Could to be Santa arriving early?

Twas the day of my birth and all through the house;
not a creature was stirring, not even a Scout;

Then out by the door there arose such a clatter;
I sprang from my bedroom to see what was the matter.

Away to the window, I flew like a flash,
Tore open the door and said hello.

When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a miniature delivery boy and eight tiny rein-deer,

He had a broad face and a little round belly.
That shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;

He spoke not a word but went straight to his work,
And filled my arms with a package that was marked;

Katella Deli it said on the box,
It has to be Colleen; she is as clever as a fox.

And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving the nod, down the walkway he went;

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

I opened the box to see what was there.
A fresh cherry pie, as red as my hair (used to be).

How very thoughtful of m,y daughter.  My favorite pie just in time for tonight’s soiree!

Mary called at 1:00 PM and was ready to be picked up by her chauffeur.  The Silver Fox and I shot over to the VA and rescued the damsel in distress.   I was going to throw my hair up to her office and rescue her like Repunzel, but I could only get it thrown about six inches.  Mary had to come downstairs by herself.

We returned to my place and had a bowl of the pot roast from last night before continuing the day’s chores and errands.  Mary took off at 2:00 PM going toward Orange to do some last-minute things before tonight’s soiree.

Scout and I departed about 2:30 PM for Mary’s, and we got there about five minutes before she arrived.  Perfect timing.

We worked around the house for a bit and then went to the Rib Trader to visit Jim The Bartender (it is his birthday also).

We finished setting the table, and I carried in the bags and bags of food.  We are off to The Trader for a glass of wine and get dinner!

We selected the kitchen table because tonight is family, and that is special!

We picked up dinner and came home after visiting with Jim, whose birthday it is today also!

Jim, Bartender Extraordinaire, send pictures of our dinner being cooked!

Dem bones, Dem bones,

Mary apparently ordered the entire dinosaur! I think it was a T-Rex!

Obviously, Mary placed the order!

Robin arrived before we got home, and we told her to go on in and visit with Scout.  She and Scout were cavorting in the living room when we arrived.  Within seconds, the serious laughing and giggling began in earnest.

The giggling gets underway!

Poor Scout, what is he to do; visit with his new friend Robin or visit with his mommy?

Decisions decisions; It’s rough for a loving doggy like Scout!

The baby is so forgiving as he did not even whimper when Mary put on his Doggy Moose costume.  He just rolled his eyes and thought to himself, “What is Mommy doing to me now?”

“How do I look? Extinguished, I hope!”

One last picture because his lip is beginning to curl at the corners.  I may have to save Mary!

“You wait, Mommy when you least expect it… CHOMP!”

When Bob showed up and told us he had a COVID-19 scare at his work, he self-quarantined in the living room, but we could include him in the conversations.

Bob had a scare at work and is staying his distance.

Mary was serving the bones and accidentally got her fingers in the sauce.  The sounds were almost like a kitty purring.  M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m good!

“Dang! Dem bones is gooood!”

Robin and Mary make a good team! They both pitched in, and dinner was served in a matter of minutes! Hot ribs, baked potatoes, veggies al dente, and wine; we said grace and then dug in!  Bones and sauce were flying every which direction!

Robin and Mary serve dinner.

Robin offered me my dinner saying, “Dad, you got to watch your weight!”  I retorted, “Watch my weight; there is nothing left of those bones.  You guys are cannibals!”  I gnawed on the remaining bones and the one slice of potato that remained.  I was even allowed on-half of a fried zucchini!

The girls are watching my diet, so I get the used bones!

Well, it was time for dessert, and Mary got a carrot cake, which is my favorite.

The cake is delivered!

Of course, I had to find a cartoon for the carrot cake!

I calls it as I sees it!

Mary presents the cherry pie courtesy of the New Hamshire branch of our family. Colleen, the little devil, arranged for this surprise, and it was a surprise–a tasty one at that!

The cherry pie looked beautiful. Thank You, Colleen (and Mark)!

Zack called via the Bat Phone, and we got to listen to all the nonsense going on over there.  Mary and I know why God gave kids to the young.  Remy was jabbering up a storm, and of course, Lilly was assisting. The four of us giggled at the goings-on at the Lind household.

Now the party gets serious, time for the loot!

Then it happened, after singing Happy Birthday Mary gave me my first present.  After soaking it in the sink for a minimum of five minutes and then listening to see if “it” was still alive, I opened it at risk of life and limb.  I now have an official chauffer’s Cap and have been instructed that Mary will sit in the back seat when we go somewhere, and I am to be called Jeeves.

What? NO matching thong?

We had a great laugh; it was a perfect selection!  Mary is very thoughtful!

I will fool her; I plan to put a meter in the front seat and turn it on when we go out!

Mary gave me a gift card to my favorite store, Lowe’s, and some masculine beauty products.  Then, the last itty bitty bag Mary gave me was her answer to tidy-whities!  I got black undies that were NOT cotton.  I went screaming down the street, yelling, “Oh boy, oh, boy!”  It took two of them to find me and bring me back to reality.

Then I began to open Robin and Bob’s gifts, and it was a collection of great things, including an “adult game of odd questions to ask people,” some aftershave, a puzzle, Christmas socks, and other goodies.  I am indeed lucky, and I appreciate all the attention.   Tomorrow I will not know how to go back to being “Pop” — Plain Old Paul.

Right before going to bed, the Bat Phone rang, and it was Jackie, my granddaughter from New Hampshire.  She just got home from work and wanted to call.  Mary and I talked to her for several minutes.

Thank you all for such a great party and all the thoughts.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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