Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
If the shoe fits, get another one just like it.
Wow, I had some free time this morning and put the final touches on New Year’s Eve. Take a gander! We sure had a load of fun! Being with family was special! We are sorry we missed Colleen, but the grandkids kept us busy!
We stayed close to home today. The incision in the forehead was giving me fits all day. Not terrible, but I knew it was there!
Did You Know? ‘A SHOT OF WHISKEY’ – In the old west a .45 cartridge for a six-gun cost 12 cents, so did a glass of whiskey. If a cowhand were low on cash, he would often give the bartender a cartridge in exchange for a drink. This became known as a “shot” of whiskey.
Jose, our car wash wizard, came by, and we had our cars washed, and they do an excellent job. I took the Grey Lady out for a spin to CVS, and Staples afterword and the inside looks brand new!
If I am correct, the only person that’s ever sat in the back seat is Lisa, when we took her on vacation with us to Arizona a few years back! Pete was deployed, so the three of us went to Phoenix for a few days and then up to and around Sedona for a week. Great fun!
Returning home from CVS, we did leftover Mexican food, and I again did ham, bacon, and eggs. The ham, eggs, and bacon have dates of the end 0f this week, so I wanted to use them up! Easy to make, low in calories, and delicious!
We were supposed to go to Topper’s this evening, but Sue was not up to it. Tomorrow evening, Irene is going to come by and stay with Sue while I take pictures at Starlighters. Everyone says my “Type A” personality has to be set free once, in a while, I guess I agree.
We talked to Colleen for a while, and we sure miss her! But a birdie says she may be visiting shortly, yeah!!!
We watched TV and crashed at about 11:00 PM. The weatherman was correct; it began raining at the stroke of midnight!