Whenever I undress in the bathroom, my shower gets turned on.
What a wonderful day…65 degrees and gloomy. Time to finish off that dang three week puzzle…and we did it! The bottom left and sky was near impossible. I threatened to box it up incomplete twice but tenacity is my middle name…Mom was a little odd that way!
Time to stay inside. Well, I finally came out of the closet today! Indeed, I worked in the closet for most of the day moving shelving, running LED lights, installing a power switch and outlet, fixing things like I have wanted for years!
Of course that required a trip to the hardware store. Home Depot, here I come! Searching the aisle at th “big box store” is a daunting task but I selected some neat LED strips. They draw seven watts, last for 50,000 hours, and are daylight in temperature…just what I wanted!
By late afternoon I was “pooped”…being 75 is not as easy as it looks! I ran out to the garden and grabbed some berries thinking that might help…it didn’t.
We rested the rest of the day. Watched some TV and thought about the closet attack plan for tomorrow!
Tookie time..crash!