Why can’t a bike stand on its own? It’s two tired.
I did NOT understand why Sue took the iPhone and cameras away from me this morning…what does she know that I do not know? No pictures? No recording of the day? Well, being inquisitive, I figured it out. Damn, I didn’t know! Once I found out, I was in a mad frenzy searching for my skin color speedos!
I really enjoyed the patio destruction since I organized my garage and tools and can find everything! I should share that, as a senior, I did have a false starting the garage organization activity:
The Echo lit up and I rushed to answer it. Greg and I talk for half-an-hour just catching up on things!
Return to the puzzling activities. Three days in and we have about 50 pieces put together, maybe. We got a tough one this time, it’s called “Autumn Memories”. I am about to rename it “Head Scratcher”. I worked an hour on the bridge this morning and got about a third of it done.
We rested a while, were getting ready to go to the GG Elks for an evening of visiting and dancing and carrying on but alas, I had to do a wave-off as the sciatica was killing me.
Instead, we watched TV and crashed about midnight,