Easter is the single time in a year when it is safe to put all your eggs in one basket.
For many many years, we have had our family and friends over for a meal and then color eggs. As we got older, we decided going out was easier and we do the celebration ahead of Easter so as not to affect anyones family activities. Join the fun.
It seems the older we get the more we just sit back and watch everyone and seeing our family together getting along and sharing is such a positive thing.
Here we go…we have three hours until we depart for lunch and we have to have everything ready for the invasion at 2:00 PM. Check check and re-check. We be ready!
Colleen joined us and went to the Himalayan Grill in our car. We had The Adams, Lind’s, Duda’,s Finch’s, plus Mitch and us! Grand kids, great grand kids and three daughters plus a son-in-law…. time for fun! Join us!
After a super meal and loads of catching up, we headed to Rossmoor where we did a home invasion…pre-planned! Egg coloring kits were ready along with Cool Whip for the kinky…don’t ask! Join the fun!-
We had planned to go to Garden Grove to dance but I was pooped. We had so much fun and got to play with the great grand kids and talk to the grand kids…it was time to relax!
We watched TV until about midnight and crashed….no tookies tonight as our bowl of peeps, chocolate Easter eggs, jelly beans, etc., seemed to have disappeared and no one was hungry! Suspicious!
The only other thing that happened today was our travel agent called and we are attempting to arrange to have family join us during segments of the world cruise…two weeks at a time maybe…fly them to one port and return from another….the details are still a bit sketchy.