Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Remember: The best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they’re too old to do it.
It’s Saturday morning and we are well rested. We watched some TV before getting cleaned up and heading for the local pizza bar (Pints Brewery & Sports Bar) safe for Sue. Paul saw the two brats cooked in beer and decided that was for him. Food. The staff was quite nice and provided Sue with a wine glass for her special wine. Paul did O’Douls.
We returned to our room and watched a little TV before going to “D” deck for the wedding ceremony and reception.
Everyone was on time and we found our reception seats and then sat right up front for the wedding…up-front defined as row three. Any closer and Paul would be saying “I do”.
The bride was magnificent!
We stayed until about 8:30 PM and then headed for our room so we could watch the fireworks which were directly across from our room.
After the display, some dry brush adjacent to launch area was on fire so there was some minor excitement.
We stayed in the rest of the evening as we are going to cut out early and avoid the traffic tomorrow.