Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
Thought For The Day: 100 yrs. ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses.
What is “hump day” you ask? Paul must be dating himself! North American. informal. Wednesday, regarded as the midpoint of a typical working week. ‘it’s hump day and perhaps the toughest day of the week for you’ ‘Wednesday is hump day, Thursday is the unofficial beginning of the weekend’ Also, In the 1945 John Steinbeck novel Sweet Thursday, the titular day is preceded by “Lousy Wednesday”. Wednesday is sometimes informally referred to as “hump day”.
We worked around the house most of the day not even going out until late in the afternoon. Out cleaning folks came about 3:30 PM so we skedaddled at 3:15 PM heading to Old Ranch for a leisurely afternoon! We lounged by the fire with our bottle of Chardonnay and watched the flames flicker and occasionally glancing at Fox News to catch up on the world events.
The House Manager dropped by to say hello and invited us to try something made from their new veggie slicer! Paul volunteered! He made vucchini with nuts and a vinagar dressing… It was terrific and certainly healthy!
We had Mac & Cheese (Sue) and Grilled Cheese (Paul) for dinner as we were not overly hungry! We stuck around until 6:00 PM as we wanted to see the Old Ranch dance class they started… They had 18 couples sign up (many of them signing up after seeing our group at New Years Eve). We are excited about new people learning to dance! Next week we will pass out a flier about the Phoenix Club and their Thursday night dance!
We came home and watched a little TV before going to bed!