The pre-cancer treatment Paul was taking is finally over and we are back to see the doctor and try to get some relief from the pain. He helped by providing an ointment and some anti-inflammatory pills! Only time will tell!
After having lunch we packed up and headed for Old Ranch for a game of golf… Well, nine holes of chipping and putting! We did some Happy hour for sure.
We “played” and had a load of fun for two hours just chipping and putting from 100 yards out!
Lilly now knows the sound of the rattling food Sue keeps in the quart container!
She really enjoys the corn and it is good for her as it contains special vitamins and minerals just for ducks, geese and swans!
Off to Garden Grove Elks where Paul dived into their salmon which is always excellent. Jerry Benton was in rare form tonight so we danced many dances!
The Roberts and Zaitz were absent… We missed them!
Sue is happy but Paul has a hard time smiling with all the activity on his face.
We headed home about 10PM and watched some TV.