Monthly Archives: September 2024

Off And Running!

[wpcode id=”76760″]We were up before the local roosters this morning.  We have an appointment to get cut up at 8:10 am in Long Beach.  We got to our destination super early, so we hit up Micky D’s and indulged in … Continue reading

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The 1950s were the  greatest of times!  Just listen to the music. Today was Monday and that means a trip to the gym to tune-up our magnificent bodies!  Tune-up may be too strong a term, perhaps, making stuck parts move … Continue reading

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David Reidy, RIP 1942-2024

We got a call at 1:33 am from Dianne, and she reported that David had passed peacefully at the hospice care facility. We immediately jumped in the car and headed to Dianne’s house. We picked her up, went to the … Continue reading

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Sundried Tomatoes, Really?

Today, we are going south to San Juan Capistrano to visit the Sundried Tomato Bistro and meet with Pete and Lisa Chartier. Pete is our ex-son-in-law and is married to Lisa, a delightful lady! The trip is pretty straightforward: We … Continue reading

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Friday Was The Hottest!

We were up early this morning and stumbled into the garden, looking like zombies. I let the watering system run, hoping it wouldn’t wake up the neighborhood with its loud gurgling. We were out the door at 6:45 am and … Continue reading

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104 Degrees Today! Oh My!!

We walked the garden and went picking, and to our surprise, we chose a large cardboard box of goodies; cooking this afternoon will be in order as it is too hot to go outside!  We harvested in the garden to … Continue reading

Posted in Doctor, Family, Gardening, Vegetable Garden, Working Around House | Comments Off on 104 Degrees Today! Oh My!!

Oh My; The End Of Summer Has Arrived!

We know it is the end of summer!   A looming heat wave in Southern California could break records this week as temperatures will likely climb well above 100 degrees in parts of the region.  The heat wave will bring temperatures roughly … Continue reading

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Tuesday And We Are Going To Let Blood!

Say what?  It’s that time of year again when they empty out my veins like a maple tree in spring. With Mary by my side, we were up at the crack of dawn, bleary-eyed and ready to hit the road … Continue reading

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Happy Pierogi Day!

[wpcode id=”76760″]Pierogi are filled dumplings made by wrapping unleavened dough around a filling and cooked in boiling water. They are occasionally flavored with a savory or sweet garnish. Typical fillings include potato, cheese, quark, sauerkraut, ground meat, mushrooms, fruits, and … Continue reading

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The First Of September Has Arrived!

You think that was funny, well, it was not.  I have fallen over several times and am considering going commando to avoid getting black and blue spots all over. We had our morning coffee and planned out the day! Last … Continue reading

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