Yearly Archives: 2013

Turkey Day Is Over… Time To Work!

We did several more hours of Christmas Decorating before going car shopping with Zack.  After a light lunch at Preveza, we did some additgional decorating before heading to the Garden Grove Elks and dancing to the melodies of Jerry Benton!  … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving… Indeed!

We headed to Old Ranch for dinner after decorating for Christmas all morning.  Join the fun! After the celebration we went to Joe and Amy’s home to have dessert with Michele and Tony and of course the grandkids.  We put … Continue reading

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Golf Day… Thanks Giving Is Tomorrow

We did our golf lesson with Tim and then headed for Old Ranch.  We played golf and rested up for the celebration. It was an interesting day with James and Bunnaford. We then headed for home to watch Christmas movies!

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A Great Golf Day Before It Turns Cold And A Visit With Annie

We played with James and had some excitement on the fairway.  We were visited by a coyote! After golf we did some Happy Hour befre returning home to go to Jan Mongel’s for a visit with Annie and her family!  … Continue reading

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Monday… Slow Down And Do Errands

We got up and finished off doing the invitations for the Topper;s Dance Club then we did errands…. New golf club grips, Flower did a spa day, market, pre-Thanksgiving shopping, etc. etc.   Finally we decided we had to have some … Continue reading

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Sunday Was Also Fairly Busy

We went to church although the music venue has changed so we do not stay the entire time anymore. We headed for the Newport Beach Elks and met up with the Thedens, Sandy, Bob, Graig and Marianne. We then went … Continue reading

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Saturday Was Busy!

We had lunch with Kyle and Tiffney! Kyle and us worked together at Boeing for several years. He, unfortunately, is younger than us and is still working! We went to the Himalayan Grill and spend two hours yacking away. It … Continue reading

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Golf In The Rain… No! Dancing…Yes

We had breakfast and then attempted to play but after seven holes we decided it was cold and wet… We wanted warm and dry! We did some happy hour early! We got a text from Lisa and she and Jen … Continue reading

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A Wet B-r-r-r-r

Dang…. Winter is here! No golf today!

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Golf In The Cold! Drinking In The Heat! That’s OK!

A storm is on its way and the temperature dropped 10 degrees from the previous day!  When the sun went down we were in the low 60’s…. Time for a fire in the fireplace. James left us on the ninth … Continue reading

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