Tag Archives: Medical

Monday…Time For A Procedure

Q: What’s the difference between a general practitioner and a specialist? A: One treats what you have, the other thinks you have what he treats. I went to the hospital at 9:00 AM only to find out the doctors were … Continue reading

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Good News & Celebration

We went to Trani’s for lunch before going to the doctor.  Excellent vittles!  The hand doctor was right down the street.  When we arrived he took the new kind of x-ray (we think it is new fluoroscope) because the images … Continue reading

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All Day In The Hospital

Mitch underwent triple bypass and a heart valve repair today so we stayed with Zachary all day.  We awoke at 4am and headed to the hospital.  We visited im for a few minutes before going to the lobby. We met … Continue reading

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Smacked Upside The Head… Reality Checks In

We had, what we thought, was a simple procedure to do an angiogram and likely a angioplasty.  The tests returned bad news… The artery feeding the left side of Sue’s heart was 90% blocked and the location was NOT suitable … Continue reading

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Today A Little Cancer Surgery

The week was fun and will continue to be but got to make a stop to see the surgeon so he can do his thing!  He had to take a 3″ x 1.5″ x 1/2″ hunk out of Paul’s back! … Continue reading

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