Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The morning has arrived, and we are ready to go!
The coffee helps us get started! I was up at 5:30 am, while Sleeping Beauty stayed in bed until 8:30 am. She got up with a little bit of assistance from the old man!

I wish I were brave enough to do that, but she runs faster than I do!!
Mary wandered into the kitchen and sat down to watch her “Doggy Reels” on Facebook while I slaved away, making her English Muffin toast and a second cup of coffee! I am considering joining the Food Service Union to get double time during the non-standard hours. Then Mary explained that being married to her, there are NO non-standard hours! Every waking second is hers, and the pay rate is slightly south of 45 cents an hour!
We talked to Colleen on the batphone for about forty minutes, exchanging action items: she arranged for Jon and Sarah to get to our home, and in turn, we sent her a batch of “fish cooking bags.” It seems like a deal!
Mary stayed up until noon and then went horizontal again so her back would not get bad!
To make it easy on myself, I fixed her a bowl of beans and a bowl of beef stew for a late lunch. She was delighted with both, so I did not have to cook dinner. Yeah!
In the evening, Mary watched TV, and I decorated the house for Valentine’s Day, did the last of today’s dishes, and planned for tomorrow’s feast!
We are hoping she is 80% recovered tomorrow because I have to go to the dentist at 11:00 am to have some stitches removed, and I do not want to worry about her getting around.

Tomorrow, I am driving again; I hope I remember how!
BTW, George Ennis, our good friend and participant in Girls Night Out, is doing well after his Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR). Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a type of heart valve surgery. It’s done to replace a narrowed aortic valve, a condition called aortic valve stenosis. A doctor inserts a flexible tube called a catheter into a blood vessel and guides it into the heart. A replacement valve made of cow or pig tissue goes through the tube to the specific area in the heart. A balloon on the catheter tip inflates to press the new valve into place. Some valves are self-expanding.

You go George!!!