Does It Ever Stop???

[wpcode id=”76760″]As my amazing mother would often say, “I’m busier than a fart in a whirlwind!”  Today was one of those days!  We started at 6:00 am and finally hit the sack at 11:30 pm.

We checked the trap, and Bunny #2 has not visited the cage, even though he has been in the yard several times.  We will get him eventually.

The day was magnificent. We opened up the house and just enjoyed the 150-foot-deep yard, where we get our exercise. We visited the garden, but there were more pressing things today, so we did not stay.

It was a beautiful day!

We went to work rearranging our formal dining room, expecting to see WC Fields and Mae West in the early afternoon.  The room’s corners are now bare, and our upstairs “ballroom” now has more goodies.

We got the formal dining room ready.

Scout (aka Luigi) heard the word “company” and stayed by the front door, ready to pounce!  He has his scarf on from the groomers; he likes to be ion style.

Scout (aka Luigi) awaits their arrival.

Around 1:00 p.m., the movers came along with David.  Special movers are required as these full-sized wax figures are quite fragile.  Scout observes them and wonders who these two new people are.

Scout comes to see the unveiling.

Good afternoon, Ms. West.  We decided to come over and see you sometime.  Mae came from the Movieland Wax Museum when they closed and still has her sales tag from the museum.

On October 31, 2005, Movieland closed after forty-three years in business and 10 million visitors.  David arranged to get several of the figures for his museum.

Mary Jane “Mae” West (August 17, 1893 – November 22, 1980) was an American stage and film actress, a sex symbol whose frank sensuality, languid postures, and wisecracking became her trademarks.

We could not have her live with us alone, so WC Fields came along.

William Claude Dukenfield (January 29, 1880 – December 25, 1946), better known as W. C. Fields, was an American actor, comedian, juggler, and writer.

Together again. My Little Chickadee is a 1940 American comedy-western film starring Mae West and W. C. Fields was funny.

No fighting kids!

David says goodbye to Mae and WC.  They will have a good home and will certainly be a conversation piece!  Now, our friends can come over and dine with Mae and WC.


We got ready for the rest of the day as we went to Vicky’s garden display, then off to Franco’s for dinner, and finally, a performance of the “Riders In The Sky.”

Vicky has been busy!

See the details right here on our regular website!  

Oh boy, would you want to water this garden by hand?

We begin the tour.  Vicky has a large collection of delightful plants and containers.

We love the “Del Mural.”

As Vicky says: When my husband, Del Kuhn of over 40 yrs. died in 2021, I grieved deeply. Compelled to create a visual piece of art, I had this commissioned. It was designed to reflect his life & our history. The quail he hunted, his lucky coin, his fishing, the coveted trout, marshmallows toasting over the fire, 2 raccoons in the tree (called our grandsons ‘bandits’), pine cones for crafts later, his favorite wildflowers, deer/elk he hunted, his beloved airplane and secret images in the mountains.

Even the note he wrote me 50+ years ago is copied on the painted tree. The river represents the sum of my grieving tears, but I have learned to ‘go with the flow. ‘

Life is for the living. The ‘stars’ light up at night. His memory plaque is displayed. He was deeply loved and is missed. (Google his name)

We then went to Franco’s for dinner and had much fun with Vicky, Jim, and Yolie. Guess who is getting pasta this evening? His name is Luigi. Mary said the veal piccata was outstanding. I did the swordfish, and it was also outstanding.

We went to Franco’s for dinner.

Mary liked the waiter and tried to take him home; he would not fit.

Mary met the head waiter.  Whoa!!!  There were two glasses of wine on his platter!

Off to Cerritos to see “Riders In The Sky.”

Did You Know? The Riders first performed on November 11, 1977, at Herr Harry’s Frank N’ Steins in Nashville, TN. The Riders consisted of Deputy Doug (Douglas B. Green), Windy Bill Collins, and Fred LaBour for this first performance. Happy with the crowd’s reaction, the Riders performed for the second time at Herr Harry’s the next evening.

The band still didn’t have a name between the second and third performances, but that changed in December 1977, when Fred LaBour found a copy of The Sons of The Pioneers album Riders in the Sky. When LaBour saw the album, he immediately called Green and told him that Riders In The Sky should be the band’s name. Green agreed and from their third performance on, they were officially billed as Riders In The Sky.

We were dressed for the occasion.

Take a listen, be ready to laugh!!

We all enjoyed the evening.  Spending time with friends makes life worth living.

Vicky and Jim await the show.

We had wonderful seats, and the sound in the theater was very good.   They did a Q&A session with the audience, which brought even more laughter.

What a show! This was their 7890th performance in 40 years!

Fun with friends!  Thanks, Yolie (in blue), for the photos.

We laughed throughout the performance.

Giddy Yup!

After the show, we went to Ace’s for a glass of wine before going home.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
This entry was posted in Dining Out, Friends, Gardening, Theater, Working Around House. Bookmark the permalink.