Beddy Bye Time

It is Monday, and it is a new year, so I am going to try something different.  This year, I plan to put one of my favorite songs on the site every Monday!  Will it date me? You bet!  But I am heading for 80 and still tapping my toe and humming the music!

Mary is not feeling well and has been spending her time in her bedroom while I have been in my office organizing my shelves. I went through my collection of books, which mainly consisted of Time Magazine books. I decided to give away about 37 of them, which took up around 24 inches of space. Additionally, I threw away many computer books as they were outdated, and I can easily access the information online.

Robin called, and when she found out Mary was Out Of Commission ,she hopped by with Nick and brought us “Hoppin’ John,” a traditional Southern good luck dish! This classic Southern dish, a one-pot meal of black-eyed peas, ham hock, and rice, is believed by many to ensure wealth and bring good luck in the upcoming.

She also brought cut-up fruit and three dark bread rolls, which, when slathered in Irish butter, made for a perfect dessert!

This pix is not Robin’s because Robin’s was so good it disappeared within minutes!

We watched TV on and off all day, and I made progress in the office.  I departed the house for about 30 minutes to go to Albertsons for some necessary supplies, but other than that, we were homebodies.

I spent several hours on the website and got a new counter and a new guestbook up and running.  The old code was just too far out of date, and my head no longer works well when coding in PHP.  To return to this page, just look for the  BACK button at the bottom of the page.

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I hate passwords and PINs and the security nonsense.

I now have to write everything down!

We finally crashed about 9:00 pm and I went out like a light because the night before I was up almost the entire night.

Just us!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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