Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Mid-Week; Time To Get Ready!

So very true!  “?

We were up and about at the crack of dawn, thanks to the rooster’s wake-up call.  Mary had an early gym appointment, and we needed to leave the house by 9:00 a.m. sharp to make it to the hairdressers by 10:00 a.m.  As expected, Mary took the longest to time, but it was worth it as she looked stunning.

On the other hand, Paul was quick with his grooming routine and finished flat in just three minutes.  He calls it a nip and tuck, but it hardly made any difference.  It’s difficult to fix ugly!

So true!!

We had a great time in Santa Ana!  We met up with friends Bill and Bob for a delicious lunch and swapping stories, always a treat.  While Mary opted for a lighter meal with soup and salad, you went for a classic burger with coleslaw on the side.  That’s a tasty choice!

As we departed, the Ambassador Of Goodwill, Ronnie, was coming in.  We chatted before I went to the car as the clouds looked threatening.

It is always fun to run into Ronnie!

After stopping by the Post Office on our way back home, Mary took on the task of ironing my shirts for our upcoming trip while I went around the house completing last-minute chores.  It rained off and on all afternoon.  As soon as it was  5:00 p.m., we had a glass of grape juice, fermented, that is.

It really was 5:00 p.m. somewhere!

The forecast is for a lot of rain, and I decided to walk the perimeter to make sure the hatches are battened down tight.  One of our thirteen security cameras caught me making the inspection tour.

I ran between the raindrops!

The Pilgrim kept his eyes on me the entire time.  Mr. P was quite talkative and told me something I did not know.

The Mayflower didn’t land in Plymouth first! The Mayflower first landed at the tip of Cape Cod, in what is now Provincetown. They had hoped to make it to the mouth of the Hudson River and find fertile farmland north of present-day New York City, but bad weather forced them to change their plans. They wanted to try for the Hudson River again, but winter set in and low supplies caused them to continue on across Cape Cod Bay to Plymouth.


Some of the Mayflower’s passengers had been to America before! Several of the Mayflower’s crew had made the passage before, on either fishing or exploration trips. One of them, Stephen Hopkins, tried to settle at Jamestown 10 years earlier. On his way to join the settlement, his ship wrecked off the coast of Bermuda. Hopkins eventually returned to England and joined the Mayflower as a member of the sympathetic group of supporters from London.

He is all wet!

We called Vicky Kuhn, Colleen, and our German friends Hans and Kerstin, who live in Arizona.

We also contacted Dianne to inform her that Mary had found her jewelry.  It was located in a secret spot, not the fake Scotch Guard cans.  We were relieved to hear the news that the jewelry was found.

Our inside Thanksgiving/Fall decorations are up!

Before going to bed, I did one more quick check of the yard, as it had been raining for several hours.

All was OK, and the Pilgrim was dry (we moved him under the awning)

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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