Moday Is Wonderful; We Are Retired!

Time For A Memory:  Beware Of The Bomb!  The launch and orbit of the Soviet missile Sputnik in 1957 caused Americans to build bomb shelters, also known as ‘fallout shelters’, to protect against radioactive fallout in the event of a nuclear war.

Everyone was building bomb shelters, but Dad suggested using the large drain beneath our backyard on Comey Avenue in West Los Angeles.

Dad remembered where the access port was when they put it in the drain in the 1940s, so he knew where to dig.  We spent two weeks digging down to the top of the drain, and voila, the entranceway was there…slightly rusty but accessible.

The LA Drain System Map shows the Melrose Line built in 1949!

Dad lined the hole with bricks and cement and installed a ladder.  It was about ten feet below the surface of the yard.  He put a top over the entrance and locked it down.  If there were an attack, we would go to the entrance, down the ladder, and into the drain, where we would wait for the “big one.”  It was a bad idea because we had no food or water, but we would probably survive the blast.

Ratchet forward 25 years and the movie Volcano featured a drain pipe redirecting lava into the ocean via La Ballona Creek.  That was our drainpipe!

We woke up early, sat by the fire, and drank coffee. Then we spent an hour trimming dead limbs/leaves and doing general maintenance. Afterwards, we straightened up inside since Mary’s accountant was coming at 11:00 am.

After she left, we ran some errands – first to the dry cleaners, then to Ralph’s, and finally to the post office to send some gifts to David, Mary’s youngest son.

Dark glasses are strongly suggested!

Upon arriving home, I repaired the garden’s watering system by changing the emitters to a spray to ensure proper coverage.

Now the entire area gets wet instead of just where the drip-line was laying.

I got completely soaked after 30 minutes because I forgot to turn off the water supply hose before puncturing it with a tool. It must have looked like a fireboat cruising around with water squirting everywhere.  I decided my swimsuit was needed to keep from getting waterlogged!

I wore my new swim trunks for a little tan before the cruise!  It scared the tomatoes!

By the way, I have officially reached a weight of under 190 pounds! I came in at around 5:30 pm and made a berry parfait for dinner.

Mary prepared a delicious dinner, and later we relaxed in the hot tub at 7:30 pm to soothe our tired muscles.  We then watched  “Suits” and we are in the third season!

Colleen had a nice message for Sue on what would have been her 72nd birthday.:

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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