Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
It’s sad to think that in 50 years, we went from a trusted government for the people to a collection of people that do for themselves first and ignore the people. Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often!
The day was cold again! Since this bad weather started, my wife hasn’t stopped staring through the patio windows. If it gets any worse, I might have to let her in.
We enjoyed the morning walk. Mary said, “Honey, I want you to whisper dirty things in my ear!” When I answered, “Kitchen, living room, dining room, and patio.” she got mad!
It was to be a gloomy day!
On our morning walk, we noticed the dew on the veggies, and in the sunlight, they were quite pretty. The afternoon wind will dry everything out.
Last night’s rain made things pretty!
The side yard, where we keep the trash cans, was getting out of hand, so we attacked it! I cut up the metal pieces with the Markita chop saw in sizes to fit the trashcans. We turned the dirt behind the trashcans and planted a new flower, a tomato ( of course), and the Dragon Fruit plant.
Not pretty, but it is not a mess anymore!
The two tomatoes were left over we put in the planted behind our bedroom window. They seem to be doing just great!
The tomatoes are now caged and cannot escape in the middle of the night!
We worked on the front yard and hung a thermometer/clock combination so we could keep track of our time while outside. Mary planted three more flowers, making the patio complete.
The front of the house is looking better every day.
We are ready for guests now. All we need is come warm days!
Patio #3 is fully operational!
Notice it was 72 degrees, perfect for working in the yard.
Mary found me sipping some rum on the patio; she said, “I love you so much, I have no idea what I would do without you.” I asked, “Is that you talking, or the rum?” She replied, “That’s me, talking to the rum.”
The frogs keep an eye on the thermometer.
The new red flowers are glorious and add just the right amount of “bright” to the garden.
New flowers arrive every day!
We were tired, so we decided to go to the swim spa. We sat through three cycles, and it worked miracles.
After the soak, we headed to the Farmhouse for dinner with Becky and Dan at 5:15 pm for a 6:00 pm appointment. We got there a little early and had a drink. They arrived right on time, and we had a great evening, but we did learn that they were moving to Phoenix.
Fun with family!
We got home just after dark and decided we would crash as tomorrow would be another busy day!