Friday Has Arrived!

I cannot understand a system where when shown a video, you have six eyewitnesses to a murder, and the culprit is allowed to live!  With this kind of system, do bad people fear the law?  No!  It’s time to institute an eye for an eye.  Lawyers who attempt to get these people off should suffer the same consequences!  As a law-abiding citizen, I am frustrated and want some real action!

7:00 am and we are in the garden working away!  We prayed that the ingredients in Mary’s Meth Lab would not explode!  This concoction was provided to us by Mike and Bridgette as they were having aphids and mildew issues with their roses.

I could not find my spray bottle, so I bought a Jell-O mold shaped like a spray gun.  The first time I used it, the Jell-O came out, and it looked perfect.  Immediately the cops busted down my door and arrested me.  I was charged with possession of a congealed weapon.

The ingredients for Mary’s Magic Elixir!

We worked for two hours in the garden, with Mary pulling weeds and me mulching yesterday’s plantings.  We made a good team, and the garden was beautiful after two hours!

We planted two new grape vines in the Casa Valencia Vineyard.  We got our first giant Blackberry this morning; more to follow!  We do have to watch out for the zucchini as they grow high almost overnight.  Most zucchini are ready to harvest between four and eight days after the flowers appear.  On average, one zucchini plant can produce between three and ten pounds of fruit.

We are taking no chances, and sometimes we zoophily, and we do it in public!

Did You Know?  Pollination by insects is called entomophily, and pollination by birds is called ornithophily.  Pollination by vertebrates is known as zoophily.  Abiotic agents – Wind and water.  Wind pollination is known as anemophily, and pollination by water is called hydrophily.

The berries are beginning to ripen.  We do not expect a lot from this year’s crop, but next year, with proper trimming, we will have a load of berries all summer.

What crime will you commit if you pluck berries from someone else’s garden?  Rob-berry!

We have blackberries in the garden.

We departed the house at 10:30 am for an 11:30 am appointment at Fashion Island.  We were surprised the homeless had invaded Fashion Island; we guessed Beverly Hills was getting too full!

Homeless in Fashion Island??

To the doctor, we went, and after an hour of fighting, we discovered the tooth could not be saved.  Next week we will see a surgeon who will remove the puppy and likely start an implant process.  The doctor and his assistant were funny and talked to Mary Doctor to Doctor through the entire procedure.

How do we know the tooth brush was invented in Alabama?  If invented anywhere else, it would be called the “teeth brush.”

Poor toofie has to be removed!

After the good news, we decided to go to Roger’s Gardens, six blocks away.  We shopped and got a batch of flowers for Mary’s new vertical garden.  We put our name in at the Farmhouse, and they would text us when seats were available!

We loved the entrance arbor with the sprawling grape vines.

I needed a martini for lunch to kill the pain!

We got a call reasonably fast as we wanted to sit in the bar area where it was warm.  Even with the outdoor heaters, the larger dining area was cool!

Eighty degrees is the average in Orange for June; it was 71 today!  Our tomatoes are wearing overcoats!  Global warming?

Perfect timing; we were done shopping, and the text message said.  “You all come now, hear!” We mosied over and sat at the bar.

We met Becky’s favorite bartender, Anothony.  He knew Becky and Dan and made us a “Good Hair Day Becky” drink!  We sent this picture to Becky, and she was tickled!

We met Becky’s favorite bartender!

Edible flowers are a trademark of the Farmhouse.  It reminded me of my younger days when my eyes would look like this after a night of drinking.  Poof, I would need 5,645 “non-alcoholic” drinks to get a buzz.

My eyes were bloodshot!

After lunch, we quickly walked through the gardens and acquired some seeds and more plants.  Saturday morning, we will plant as we have nothing going on until late in the day.

Ready for Colleen to select which one she wants to take home!

Mary got her picture in front of the water fountain, and of course, that made me have to find the gentlemen’s lounge; funny how that works!

Vanna White is in action!

We drove home via the pedicure store, and both had our feet polished!  It was so relaxing that I fell sound asleep!  After that experience, I can recognize Vietnamese laughing!  I was lucky Mary didn’t have them put nail polish on me!

What do you call someone obsessed with pedicures?  A clip-toe-maniac!

We ended up at home at 4:45 pm, which gave us twenty minutes to freshen up and meet Bob and Donna at Renada’s to celebrate Mary’s birthday!

Dinner at Renada’s.

Bob and Donna are delightful people. We enjoy spending time with them!  We have matching personalities; no insult intended!

Our dinner was perfect!  I went for the chicken ravioli, and Mary was a good girl and did a cup of garlic soup and a salad. Donna did the Veal Picatta while Bob had the usual Sinatra special!

Oh, dear!

The sun did not go down until 8:30 pm, so we had natural light to take pictures!

Just us!

We have a load of fun together.  The conversations are funny, and we end up laughing a lot.

We tried a selfie, but alas, Shorty was not long enough!

A nice gentleman from the neighboring table took our picture; we were amazed he framed us well, and we had no cut-off heads or feet.

Bob, Donna, Paul, and Mary!  A force to be reconned with.

We got home before 8:00 pm, and it was still light out.  The garden looks different without the sweet peas.  The corn cobbs are beginning to show, and we manually place the two parts together to ensure we get corn.  Yes, we rub the tassels on the silk!  It’s a skill we have learned.

It was still light when we got home.  The background music played, “Where have all the sweetpeas gone?”

The vertical gardens contain flowers, herbs, and occasional jalapeno pepper and strawberry!

The flower tower looked great!

We were not tired but decided to watch TV in bed; we lasted about ten minutes and were out cold.  I’m so good at sleeping.  I can do it with my eyes closed.  Do you know the amount of sleep the average person requires is five minutes more?

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
This entry was posted in Dining Out, Friends, Gardening, Vegetable Garden, Working Around House. Bookmark the permalink.