Monday And Time To Go To Work!

Memories: My First & Last Motorcycle

It was 1975, and I was beginning to go to the desert and use dune buggies, but I also needed a motorcycle.  I bought a Honda 400 Sports bike for a song.   I fixed it up and thought riding from the camp into “town” to get supplies instead of taking the motorhome would be good.

One Sunday morning, I got up early and drove to Santa Monica from La Mirada to visit my mother.  Mom threw a conniption fit when she saw me on a motorcycle.  I was scared to death driving that thing on the LA Freeway, even at 7:00 am on a Sunday; it was the first and last time I had it on the streets!

I took it to the desert and used it several times, but it was NOT a dirt bike, as I found out when I rolled it up a tall hill, and the motorcycle came sliding down.  I sold it to someone and decided sand rails and dune buggies were more my speed.

We were up early, and Mary started on the puzzle Becky gave her.  I  was a Lego Flower Boquet.  The vibrant flower bouquet features eight species of wildflowers on adjustable stems.  My florists and flower lovers will spend hours building and identifying the blooms inspired by cornflowers, lavender, Welsh poppies, cow parsley, leatherleaf ferns, gerbera daisies, larkspur, and lupins.

The inventor of the crossword puzzle moved into our neighborhood.  He lives five streets down and two houses across.

Working on a Lego Flower Puzzle

We headed outside, even in the slight drizzle.  God sometimes does His work with gentle drizzle, not storms.

Mary insisted it was drizzling outside while I said that, really, it was just misting.

We decided the argument would be settled by asking their elderly former Soviet neighbor Rudolf.

Rudolf grimaced at the sky momentarily and held up a hand to catch some of the falling moisture. “I “drizzle,” he declared.

I was a little put out by losing the argument and complained.  Why are we accepting our neighbor’s judgment?”

“Because, Mary, “replied, “Rudolf, the red knows rain, dear.”

The cacti were overjoyed at receiving some moisture and celebrated by beginning to bloom.

The cacti are blooming!

His little friend next to him also provided some bright red flowers.

Bright red seems to be the color of the day.

The walk revealed Mother Nature was again being an artist.  The sweetpea pods were forming, and they had tiny hairs on them.  The moisture formed tiny water balls and glistened in the early morning light.

The plants won’t be setting pods if you keep cutting fresh flowers from the vines.  Once you stop cutting, this tells the plants that it’s time to begin seed production.  When the flower petals wilt and turn yellow, green pods containing new sweet pea seeds emerge behind them, and what remains of the dried flower petals fall from their tips.  As soon as pods appear, the rest of the vine starts to wilt, and the plant dies back.  A sweet pea vine left to its own devices, produces one crop of blossoms before going to seed.

We had so many sweetpeas we could not give them away fast enough.

It rained last night!

Not to be outdone, the sugar snap peas also put on a show!

The sugar snap peas looked magical.

We are adults, so we had dessert first this morning, and while passing by the strawberry plant, we tasted, nibbled, munched, chewed, and otherwise enjoyed the fantastic flavor of strawberries off the vine!  Tomorrow, we are bringing whipped cream!


The Pineapple Guava is flowering and will produce some fruit this year.  Blossoms appear in the spring, and the fruit ripens in the fall.  The edible blooms are said to taste like minty guava and are popular in salads and as a drink flavoring.

The fruits are 2 to 3 inches long, oblong in shape (like an egg), and green.  The taste has been described as a combination of banana, pineapple, guava, and kiwi.  Young plants may take several years before fruit development begins.  When ripe, the fruits will fall off the tree.

The Pineapple Guava is blossoming.

The roses also decided to be beautiful this morning, and the dew sparkled in the morning sun.

My fear of roses is a thorny issue. I’m unsure what it’s from, but I’m stuck with it.

Our firstborn, Santa Rosa Plum, came today.  W  quickly took it inside, bathed it, and devoured it with Cheshire Cat smiles.  Santa Rosa plums are a medium to large varietal, averaging 4 to 8 centimeters in diameter, and have a round to oval shape with a main suture line extending from the stem to the base.  The plum’s skin is thin, taut, and smooth with a glossy, dark red to purple base, covered in white speckles and an opaque purple bloom.

Santa Rosa plums are delicate and easily damaged when ripe and have low acidity mixed with moderate sugar levels.  The plums are known for their fruity, sugary-sweet flesh balanced with a hint of tartness, a flavor in the skin.  In addition to the fruits, Santa Rosa plum trees produce tiny white-pink blossoms in the spring and are often favored as an ornamental addition to home gardens.

Our first Santa Rosa Plum was born today.

The front yard flowers were also enjoying the moisture.  The transplanted sunflowers have recovered and are doing well!

I got kicked out of the house just before Valentine’s Day.  Mary hinted at Valentine’s Day plans and asked if I knew her favorite flower. “Gold Medal All Purpose” apparently was not the answer.

We wanted more beauties like this one.

OK, the walk is done, the office is clean, let’s eat at the Pancake House.  We shared an omelet; usually, we would bring some to Jan, but her tummy is terrible every day, so we hesitated to make it worse.  We returned home instead; perhaps she would call and come over.

Breakfast at the Original Pancake House in Orange

Back home via Home Depot, we needed to shop some more!  We got two bags of red mulch and finished off the front patio and the roses.  Iron oxide, used to produce red mulch, is commonly known as rust and is used extensively in paints, cosmetics, and even to dye flowers.

Mulching; my favorite passtime.

We hung the frogs, and now we are awaiting a thermometer/clock combination to arrive so it will finish off the front patio!

Vanna presents the new patio.

Tea time!  We decided to visit Jeff, our neighbor, and exchange neighborhood rumors!  W  did make a dinner date for next week to go to Jeff’s favorite restaurant.  We are done for today; time for tea and a visit to Jeff.

Returning home, we turned on the TV which translates to We crashed; around 9:00 pm, the only sound in the house was Scout snoring.

I told Mary, “Go to bed; the cows are sleeping in the field.” Puzzled, she asked, “What’s that to do with anything?” I chuckled, “Well, that means…” “It’s pasture bedtime!”

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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